Levi x Noble!Reader

548 16 90

Requested by Minsugabulletproof.

E/C - Eye Colour

H/C - Hair colour

H/L - Hair Length

S/C - Skin Colour


Wall Sina was... unusually quiet. Well, at least the inside of Wall Sina, the noble and richer district was unusually quiet. You wandered around the streets with a confused expression on your face. Normally, the children of the nobles would be running around the streets with smiles on their faces. The nobles with them would greet one another and the shops with the finer meats and jewellery and other items would be scattered here and there and open.

But it was different that day. No nobles were around. No shops were open. No children were running. The streets were... dead.

You furrowed your eyebrows and hummed quietly. You had heard there would be a trial for Eren Yeager, the boy who could transform into a Titan. But no one had said when that trial would be. You wondered if it was today.

You looked around while you walked. You could see inside some of the buildings and each of them looked abandoned. This only confused you more. Normally there was some evidence of life in the buildings.

You shrugged. Whatever was happening you hadn't been informed of, so you could only wander around the streets wondering what was happening.

You didn't manage to wander very far, though, before a loud crash and something that sounded like lightning sounded behind you. You turned around in complete and utter confusion. The skies were clear, albeit with a few clouds, but there was no evidence of a thunderstorm forming.

You turned on your heel, looking around to see what could have possibly made the strange noise. Your eyes scanned the area until it finally came into view. Your eyes widened like saucers as you looked at the thing running toward you.

You were frozen in shock, fear running through your veins. You had never seen one before. You didn't think they were even real. They sounded so absurd. But seeing one in Sina, your whole world was just about thrown upside-down.

It... they... Titans... they were real?!

You didn't have time to shriek in fear as the thing charged toward you, tearing the buildings down in its path. It tore the buildings down around you, rubble falling toward where you were. You stumbled, trying to move, but only fell to your feet.

Your voice kicked back in when a large piece of rubble fell onto your leg. You shrieked in pain, hands flying to your buried leg. Your shriek caught the attention of those who were chasing after the Titan. You recognised them as the Survey Corps. The Wings of Freedom printed on their green capes.

"A civilian?!"

"I thought this place was supposed to be clear?!"

"Shut the hell up and help me, she's injured!"

"Mikasa, you got this, right?"

Three members of the Survey Corps quickly landed where you were half buried under the rubble. One bald boy, one girl with brunette hair and another boy with light brown hair. The two boys worked together to pry the large rock up while the brunette hooked her arms under yours to pull you from under the rubble.

"Let's get her to Levi, he'll have medical supplies with him," the bald boy panicked. The light brunette haired boy scoffed and looked at you with a small glare.

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