King of Fighters! Shen Woo x Reader

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Requested by ramyunqu33n.

H/C - Hair Colour

E/C - Eye Colour

H/L - Hair Length

F/C - Favourite Colour 


You stood in the back of the restaurant your father owned, a small smile on your face. It had been a while since you had been home. You had decided to travel the different countries to see the various, amazing fighting styles that different people held.

They were all fascinating in their own way. From Kung Fu to Karate to Wrestling. It was all so wonderful to you. Of course, your mind always floated back to one person and one person in particular.

Shen Woo.

Well, his name wasn't actually Shen Woo, he just preferred to be called that and you weren't going to object to it. The man always came back to your mind whenever you thought about the different styles of fighting.

His was unique. Different. It was something he had perfected himself and something that only he could perfect. He would never teach it to anyone, not even you, and you had known him for a long time.

You sighed a little dreamily thinking about the tall, tanned blonde man. He was rather handsome, you had to admit and you knew him rather well – even though you didn't know his actual name – you just wished he would teach you some of his own fighting style.

The bell above the door of your fathers' restaurant chimed and, quickly, you recomposed yourself to head to the front of the house. You passed your mother along the way, who was cooking the food the servers had put in for order.

Along the way, your mind finally tuned back into the reality and noise around you. You could hear the fryers and the grills, the shouts of the sous chefs and the line chefs, the laughs of the customers and the shouts of praise when their food arrive. A smile graced your face. You had missed home.

"Hey, hey (Y/N)!" one of the waitresses called, walking over to you when you made it into the front of house. She handed a piece of paper to your mother, who quickly called out the order. "Shen's here. He's sat over there by the window. I don't think he knows your back in town yet," the waitress grinned, handing you a spare pad and pencil that she carried.

When you weren't travelling, you could easily be found in the restaurant helping your parents out. You took the pad and pencil from the waitress and made your way over to the window.

"Do I need to ask for the order or should I just bring your some crab?" your voice made Shen jump slightly in his seat. He looked up to you for a second, blinking, as if needing to register that you were actually stood in front of him.

When it finally clicked in his mind, he grinned widely, showing his teeth. He stood to his feet, embracing you when you walked over to him. You hugged him back tightly. The hug lasted a few seconds longer than expected, but you didn't seem to notice, you were just happy to see Shen again.

"Crab, please," he confirmed your question with a polite tone, taking his seat again when he released you. "And can I have some water?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. You giggled a little, he looked adorable. Nodding your head, you rushed off to get the blondes' order.

Shen watched as you walked, his eyes never leaving your body. Your fashion sense had changed a little since you had been away from Shanghai. Your usual kimono had changed to a low cut (F/C) shirt. It was tight and showed off every curve you had. Your trousers were no better, they were a pair of dark coloured leggings. They hugged your legs perfectly. Personally, you enjoyed the outfit because, like Shen, you were a fighter and it was easy to fight in.

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