Karasuma x Kuudere!Reader Ending 1

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You sighed, pulling your leather jacket onto your shoulders as you shrugged slightly and moved your (H/C) from your eyes. You slumped on your sofa and threw your booted feet onto your coffee table. Laying your head back slightly and resting your arms on the back of the sofa.

You were waiting on Karasuma. The black haired man had offered to pick you up from your apartment, which you had given him. He hadn't specified a time, stating that he needed to finish a meeting at the Ministry before coming to get you.

So, you decided you would get ready and just wait for him on your sofa. You glanced at your clock. It was about to turn nine at night. You hummed, debating whether or not you should change.

You leaned forward, taking a sip of (F/D). As you did so, there was a knock on your door. You raised an eyebrow. That was either Karasuma or a murderer coming to kill you.

You set your cup down and walked over to your door. You took the keys from a nearby dish on a small table just beside it and pulled the draw to that table open, revealing a small handgun.

You readied it and gently looked through the peek hole in your door. You could never be too careful after all. You huff and place your gun in the back of your jeans. Damn Karasuma, you were just starting to relax.

"You're... here?" you questioned in surprise as you opened the door. Karasuma furrowed his eyebrows at you.

"You thought I wasn't coming?" the black haired man asked as you looked over your shoulder at the clock hanging on your wall.

"Well... I mean, it's nine at night," you answered with a small shrug as Karasuma gave you a look you couldn't read.

"I apologise for the lateness. But I figured at this time you would have eaten so I thought a walk would be nice," the man explained as you smiled slightly and stepped out of your door.

"Sure, a walk would be nice," you replied as the black-haired man led you away from your apartment.

Karasuma led you towards a large park in your neighbourhood. You were familiar with it, people brought their pets for walks and their children to play.

"I hope you don't mind a walk in the park," Karasuma spoke. You looked at him, something about him seemed a little off. He seemed... nervous.

"Are you okay?" you questioned, sticking your hands in the pockets of your jacket. "I mean... it's only a walk in the park," you added with a small laugh as Karasuma hummed slightly.

"I'm alright. I just don't spend much time with people," the older man answered honestly as you let out a small laugh.

"I didn't take you for a people person to begin with," you replied with a small smirk. "You seem a lot more secluded than most," you added with a shrug as Karasuma nodded his head.

"And you? You seem like the opposite," Karasuma stated as you let out a loud laugh. Karasuma blinked slightly. He had heard you laugh before with Irina, but never like how you ha just laughed then.

"I am now. When I was younger I was much like you. It wasn't until I got to high school that I started to act the way I am now," you responded as Karasuma cast a glance at you in the dark night.

"I know you said to take you to dinner, but I'm rather curious about you," Karasuma explained as you raised an eyebrow slightly, continuing to walk through the park. Whether he was genuinely curious about you as a person or because you had been near his students, you couldn't tell.

"What do you want to know?" you questioned, walking away from Karasuma slightly as the black-haired man followed you.

"Mainly how you know Takaoka," he answered, following you into a small, sort of forest, as you walked through them.

"Takaoka used to train me when I was in the Military," you explained with a small frown on your face. "He was a bastard back then and he's still one now. Most of the students he trained turned out like him," you added with a small frown on your face, stopping slightly and turning to the taller man.

"So... he did the same to you as he did to Class E?" Karasuma summarised in slight anger as you scoffed and folded your arms, leaning back on a tree for a moment.

"Class E was lucky," you frowned as Karasuma looked at you. Your eyes seemed to darken as you recalled the memories of your military years. "We trained, sunrise to sunset. Hardly any breaks. He would beat the hell out of us if we didn't do what he demanded. A lot of people dropped out and a lot of us share scars from it," you explained as you started to shrug your jacket off and motioned to the large, deep scar on your arms.

"That's what that's from?" Karasuma asked, his voice low as you nodded once.

"Yeah," you answered as you shivered slightly as the wind blew. "The reason I came to Class E and the reason I requested them not to send a lot of information over, was because of Takaoka," you stated, pulling your jacket back on your shoulders.

"I knew you and your class wouldn't like it if you found out I knew him somehow. I've been the only student that hasn't gone 'rouge', let's say, since training under Takaoka. And I've been the only one to clean up the messes," you sighed as Karasuma cocked his head to the side, confusion evident in his voice.

"Why?" he demanded as you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Military or not, no one deserves to be struck the way he strikes you," you answered as if it were obvious. Karasuma stared at you for a moment as silence flowed between the two of you. You sat down on a large rock and stared back at him before letting out a large grin.

"This got awkward quickly," you noted as Karasuma said nothing. You sighed, not knowing what he was thinking was something you hated. "I should go and I'll be gone from Japan by Monday. See you around, Karasuma," you smiled, placing a hand on the mans' shoulder and squeezing as you walked by.

"Why are you leaving?" Karasuma quickly turned to you, gripping your hand as you looked back at him.

"Takaoka is still on the loose apparently. So I'm gonna do what I see best. Hunt him down and drag his ass to jail," you answered as the black-haired man gave you a gentle smile. You were so calm and collected when speaking about him. You hadn't let the memories get to you while explaining it to him and Karasuma... admired you for that.

"Stay with Class E," Karasuma spoke suddenly as your eyes widened slightly. "I mean... the students love you and you can help me with gym classes. It's more than likely Takaoka isn't done with us yet so we'll more than likely run into him again," the black haired man, for the first time, started to ramble mindlessly.

You smiled gently and laughed at the man as he stopped, looking at you in confusion as you held your free hand over your mouth.

"I'll tell you what. If the students say yes then I'll stay," you bargained as Karasuma pursed his lips and gave a gentle nod of his head as you grinned widely. "For now, let's walk back to my place, it's getting a little chilly," you requested.

"Sure," Karasuma nodded with a small smile. You turned to walk back through the trees, pulling Karasuma by the hand as you did so. When you exited them, Karasuma gripped your hand tightly as you looked down at your hands.

You smiled up at the man as he started leading you back to your apartment hand in hand as the moon shined down on you both. 

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