Acnologia x Reader

472 19 103

Requested by minsugabulletproof.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour

S/C - Skin Colour


The rain in your town had been coming down for a few days now and you were unsure why. You looked out of your window with a content expression on your face, the book in your hand. You were sat on a window ledge you had installed, on it were cushions to make it a little comfier for you.

The sound of the pattering rain always calmed you, but the rain had been falling for three days straight in your town. But it had been casted as nothing to worry about and that the town was due some rain.

Thunder clapped suddenly and you looked from straight outside your window to the dark grey sky that floated overhead before returning your attention to the ground once more. You blinked in surprise.

A figure had suddenly appeared in the distance, one that you couldn't exact make out at the minute. A sudden wave of powerful magic washed over you and you shivered at the feeling. You watched the figure for a minute or two, it just stood there, not moving and, eventually, it collapsed onto the wet floor of the village.

You remained where you were for a second or two until you realised that whoever had collapsed wasn't getting back up from the ground. You dropped your book onto the floor, stood to your feet, hurried to grab your coat, slipped your shoes on and rushed out of the door to where the person had collapsed.

When you reached the person you didn't even take note of what they looked like, instead, you hoisted the person from the floor and pulled their right arm around your shoulders, making your way back to your house.

You kicked off your soaked shoes and sat the person in the doorway of your home before shrugging off your soaked coat and running to your room. You opened your closet, brought out multiple blankets and rushed back into the living room.

You set one of the blankets you had over the sofa, hopefully it would stop the material getting wet, which was highly unlikely. You didn't care though, you turned around after the blanket was placed there and hurried over to the person you had brought inside.

You could see him clearly now. The person was indeed male. He had dark blue hair and strange symbols across his face. He wore a large black cape, but you could see the same symbols, all a dark blue colour across his arm.

Around his neck was a necklace that looked to be made of... teeth, maybe? He had no shirt on and his trousers were black. It wasn't until you laid the blue haired man down that you noticed your hands were covered in blood.

Panic set in and you quickly removed the cape from the blue haired man and grimaced at the sight that met you.

The man was completely missing his left arm. The blood was gushing from the open wound and dripping onto your blankets and carpet. You quickly dropped the cape you had removed from the man and made your way into the kitchen to grab a first aid kit.

The panic continued through your body. Sure your magic was good for healing but you had never healed something so serious before and you knew you wouldn't be able to grow back an arm. After all that was impossible!

You pulled out a cloth from the first aid box and started dabbing the wound, trying to clean as much blood as you could from it. You went to dip the cloth you were using in a bowl before realising you didn't fill one.

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