Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

505 12 4

Requested by Melodic_Star.

N/N - Nick Name

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E//C  - Eye colour


"Have you figured out which college you want to go to yet?" you looked up from the drawing you were completing to Kiyoko, who sat across from you, eating her lunch. You hummed, a piece of chocolate hanging from your mouth. You really liked the picture you were drawing and wanted to finish it as soon as you could and give it to Kiyoko.

The black haired girl reached over and pulled the chocolate from your mouth before you went to answer her. She smiled at you and you finished chewing what you already had in your mouth before putting the pencil you had in your hand down and tapping it against the table.

"I wish. There are so many colleges that have so many different opportunities and I just haven't really decided. I'm thinking of staying closer to home though," you answered, reaching over to take back the chocolate to finish eating. "What about you?" your words were muffled by the food in your mouth, but Kiyoko only chuckled.

"I think I might choose a college a little further away from home. It'd be nice to see a different city and meet new people," Kiyoko explained, taking a sip of her water once she was done. You nodded your head in understanding before retuning back to the picture you were drawing.

"It's an art course you'll take, right?" Kiyoko reached her hand over to the picture while she spoke and turned it around to face her. She smiled at the picture and examined it closely. "You're really good at this kind of stuff. I would be surprised if you weren't taking an art course," the black haired girl stated. You leaned back in your chair, stretching slightly to relax, feeling the muscles in your back loosen a little.

"Prepare to be surprised then!" you moved your hands around in a dramatic motion to try and add effect, but it only resulted in you and Kiyoko both laughing loudly. "I'm applying to do a (F/S) course. See where that can take me in life," you explained with a small smile on your face. Kiyoko hummed, nodding her head. She knew you had perfect scores in (F/S) so it was understandable.

"Here I thought art was your passion," Kiyoko chuckled, pointing to the picture of her that you were completing.

"Art's a hobby. I've been drawing since I was a child, but I don't think I would take it as a career. It's more a personal thing that I like to do," you replied to the girl and took a drink of your juice before finishing off the chocolate that was in your hand.

"Well, you do a great job anyway. I do get this when you're finished, right?" Kiyoko nodded to the picture before taking a bite of the sandwich she had. You grinned and nodded your head in reply as the bell rang suddenly to signal the end of lunch.

"I gotta get to class!" you quickly packed away your things, with the help of Kiyoko. You had both spent the afternoon in her classroom to eat lunch. It was quiet and calm and you both enjoyed the time together.

"Have fun! I'll see you after school?" Kiyoko questioned as you scurried to your feet and put the chair back under the desk behind you.

"I thought you had Netball Management?" you replied with your own question, a confused expression washing over your face.

"First off all, it's Volleyball. And I do! But come see the team at least once before we graduate?" Kiyoko stood up, leaned across the table and gripped your hands, giving you a pleading look. You released a chuckle and nodded your head once in reply.

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