Street Fighter! Remy x Reader Part 2

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Requested by GarudaLover.

H/C - Hair Colour

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Colour


The rain had finally cleared up and, as you had predicted, Remy had gone the following morning. Surprisingly though, he had made you breakfast and left a goodbye note with a thank you on it for taking care of him once again.

You were surprised. You honestly didn't expect him to follow through on what he had said. You expected things to return to how they were before. He would come home, ignore you, eat, ignore you, sleep, ignore you and eventually leave while still ignoring you. That was what you expected. So when you woke up to breakfast and a note you were pleasantly surprised.

The note said where Remy would be heading to and how many days he would roughly be gone for. But it wasn't like you minded. You were used to being alone in your home. You were used to entertaining yourself and keeping yourself from going almost insane.

You sat down and enjoyed the breakfast that had been prepared for you. When you finished you cleaned your dirty dishes and got dressed. You started the house work and, once that was done, went into the market to get the food and items you needed.

Your days carried on like that for a few weeks. Occasionally friends would visit and you would visit friends but other than that, nothing interesting really happened to you.

Eventually that day came. The anniversary of her death. You clutched the letter Remy had left you in your hand while you sipped on a hot cup of cocoa. It was almost time for sundown. On the middle of the table in front of you was a large bouquet of flowers. Roses. To be exact, white roses.

You looked over the writing on the letter once more and released a heavy sigh.

'I'll be gone for a few weeks. Around two, maybe three months.'

You were a little angry, you couldn't deny. Remy knew the date of her death was approaching and he had never failed to miss it before, but the words on the letter were somewhat proving you wrong this time.

With a sigh you threw the note to the side and finished off the cocoa you were drinking. You stared at the empty space in front of you, trying to calm the anger you felt inside of you.

"You should be here, Remy. Not fighting whoever you're fighting," you muttered to yourself. It wasn't as if anyone would be able to hear you. You wouldn't have cared really if Remy had been able to hear you. You would have liked to give him a piece of your mind again but you knew it was best to leave it.

You stood to your feet and walked over to the door. You slipped on your thick black boots and matching long coat. Though the sun had come out and the rain had stopped, it was still rather cold outside.

You pulled the coat around you tightly, tying the small belt it had around your waist. You walked back over to the table and picked up the bouquet of white roses before making your way to the door of your home.

Remy had been courteous enough to tell you where he had preserved her body. Though you deeply disagreed with what he had done and would have much preferred a proper burial for her, you thought it best not to argue with Remy while he was grieving.

You made your way through the forest toward a large lake. The sound of rushing water quickly hit your ears and you would have smiled if not for the circumstances as to why you were there. Memories quickly came flooding back to you. Memories of you, Remy and her. You would always play in the lake where it was shallowest and try your hardest to reach the waterfall without slipping in the water. Of course, the current would always get the better of you all because you were all young and the muscles in your legs weren't as strong back then.

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