1: Otayuri

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"I couldn't be mean to you even if I wanted to you're like the best thing I could ask for in someone but even better"


"Yuri Plisetsky has just won Gold in his first Grand Prix."

The line kept repeating in my head as I walked towards the banquet. The last time I was here the Pig challenged me to a dance off and I totally won. I just hope the old man can keep his boyfriend in check this time. I can already here the music playing and the chatter from inside and as I walk in most people are surrounding Victor and the pig. I am grateful they are the centre of attention right now as although I do enjoy the spot light I don't like may people here in fact for a certain obnoxious Canadian I would use the word hate.

I take a glass of champagne from one of the servers even though I prefer vodka and go to loiter in the corner of the room. From behind me someone calls "Hey Yura." There's only one person that calls me that, Otabek. I would never admit it out loud but anytime I'm with or think about Otabek I smile stretches across my face. I take a sip of champagne before turning around to meet him. He's dressed formally in a white dress shirt and black pants but is still wearing his signature leather jacket. "Hey Beka you did awesome today." I greet when he was close enough to hear me.

"Really I think I need to work on my jumps a bit more but you, you did fantastic! I mean you broke Victor's record that probably took him years to achieve in your senior debut !"

"I don't think I did that well, I mean the Pig also beat one so it shows they aren't really that hard to beat." I said looking away from him to hide the fact that my face is warming up the slightest bit.

" You don't give yourself enough credit Yura." He said smiling at me.

We made our way to a table in the corner of the room and continued talking about everything and nothing at the same time. I loved talking to Otabek, I really felt like I could open up to him. Just as we were getting into a intense discussion on why cats are better then dogs The old man and the pig came over to us.

"Oh Yurio here you are I almost started to think you weren't coming. I just wanted to say congratulations on winning and beating my short program record." The old man said pride shining though his words.

"Yeah Yurio you did great, I'm so proud of you, You did awesome as well Otabek." The pig said in his normal annoying voice. Before we could say anything the two walked off and went to talk to the others. After they had left Beka and I had no peace as competitors and coaches came up to us giving words of congratulations and trying to start a convocation with us and it only got worse when a certain Canadian graced us with his annoying presence.

"Yo Plisetsky, You did good tonight but it was just beginners luck. Now that Victor isn't coming back to skating I'm the best here as I'm the king!" I swear he doesn't know how annoying he really is.

Before I could say anything Otabek beat me to it. "You wish Leroy, Yura can wipe your ass any day."

"You need you boyfriend to stick up for you now Plisetsky. You don't belong here maybe you should run back to those psychotic people you call fans."

That was it not only did he insult me but also my fans, like who does he think he is ?!

"Listen here you Baka you always say you are the best but when it comes down to it you always choke at the last minute." I stated in a malicious voice. I was about to start ranting again when Otabek said "Ok Yura let's go" as he started to drag me out of the room.

Soon we got out side and the two of us walked towards his motorcycle. "Here put this on and get on" he said tossing a leopard print helmet at me before sliding on the bike waiting for me to get on as well. I love the bike, I sense of complete freedom and peace I get from it. The rush that makes me feel alive. Nobody know this part of me better then Otabek.

I climb on and wrap my arms around his torso tightly, and as we race off into the night I tilt my heard back and watch the night sky and city lights pass by us. I don't know where we are going nor do I know how long we are going to be on this bike for but when we stop I see Otabek has taken us to where we had our convocation after he helped me evade my fans.

We both leave the bike and sit in silence. Both of us lost in thought, not saying a word. Time passes leaving us both unsure about what time it really is.

The sun starts to break in the horizon before either one of us speaks. Then Otabek quietly asks "Why?"

"Did you say something Beka?"


"Why, what?"

"Why are you never mean or rude to me? It's not like I want you to be mean to me, it's just that you are usually mean and rude to people whether you like them or not. Except me, and I don't know why." He asked sounding quite confused.

"I just can't." I replied quietly.


"I couldn't be mean to you even if I wanted to, you're like the best thing I could ask for in someone, but even better"

"Thanks Yura."

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