21: Malec

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"No you cant get up you're my prisoner for today"

Alex had been up to his neck in work since taking over the institute. Having to meet with the downworlders, complete paperwork among other jobs, Alec hadn't had much time to sleep let alone anything else.

Alex had been running for a week straight on food someone brought him because he otherwise forgot to eat and his stamina rune.

His favorite times were when Magnus brought him food because at least he could see him. This was always short lived as, as soon as Alec had finished eating he would go back to work missing the look of worry on Magnus' face.

One night Magnus was waiting for Alec to return home which he had rarely been doing for awhile. Just as Magnus was about to go to bed he heard a knock at the door.

As he opened the door he was met with the sight of Jace holding a passed out Alec. Just as panic was about to over take Magnus Jace said "Don't worry Magnus, he's only passed out from exhaustion."

Magnus moved to the side so Jace could bring Alec into the apartment, nodding with what Jace said unable to speak as worry was still threatening to over take him.

Jace brought Alec up to his and Magnus' bedroom and set him on the bed as Magnus followed quietly behind. Jace then left the apartment without another word.

Magnus waved his hands and locked the door and changed Alex's clothes into something more comfortable while he still looked at Alex's sleeping form.

Saddened by his boyfriends state, Magnus climbed into bed and cuddled against Alex's side. A small part of him was happy that he was going to sleep next to Alec as he had wanted but a bigger part of his was sad that Alec was working so hard and not looking after himself properly. That was the only reason why he got to be with Alec right now anyway.

The next morning when Alec woke up only having five hours sleep,he was first confused at his surroundings not rememebring that he had gotten home or how he did.

Alex got out of bed, eyes still heavy from the major lack of sleep when Magnus walked in and stopped himwith his magic, stern look on his face.

"Mags what are you doing I need to get ready for work."

"Oh no you don't Alexander. You are staying in bed and you are resting."

"Magnus I don't have time for this, I need to go to work, I have alot to do."

"No Alexander. For too long have I watched you nearly work yourself to death. You are neglecting to look after yourself and I'm not going to allow it any longer. You need to sleep properly and eat. When you are back to 100% then you can go back to work." Magnus said sternly.

Alex flopped against the bed in defeat before saying "If I'm going to be here all day then can you atleast come and cuddle with me."

Magnus smiled and let out a little giggle at Alec but soon climbed back in bed with him. Loosening his magic just enough for Alec to wrap his arms around him.

The two basked in the silence that surrounded them as they were just happy to be with each other.

The silence was soon broken by Alec asking, "Magnus can I get up at some point today?"

To which Magnus replied by nuzzleing his head in to Alec's chest before saying "No you cant get up you're my prisoner for today."

The two laugh before settling into each other's arms and falling asleep together still wrapped in the safety of each other's arms.

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