34: Victuuri

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"Let's just stay in bed"

After coaching Yuuri for a few years, Victor decided that this year was going to be the year that he will return to skating. He wanted to reclaim his Grand Prix title from his husband and beat Yuuri's and Yuri's high score that they beat of his when he first became a couch. 

Victor had been training non-stop for months on end with little to no break periods. He was still in peak shape as he had spent time skating with Yuuri and helping him practise, but Victor had never known when to stop training. Back in Russia, Victor would spend all his time skating, and would continue to skate into the night. No one could deny that he was extremely excited for this years Grand Prix.

When Victor came home from the ice rink, Yuuri could tell that he was tired. So one day, after Victor nearly collapsed with exhaustion, Yuuri decided that he was going to make sure that Victor got some rest.

That morning as Victor was about to get up to get ready to start skating, Yuuri wrapped his arms around his middle and pulled Victor closer to him so he could cuddle into Victor's warmth.

"Yuuri, you need to let go. I have to get ready for practise, and so have you in a few hours."

"Let's just stay in bed" Yuuri mumbled.

"My love, I can't today. I need to practise."

"You've been practising for months now Victor, and you are driving yourself to exhaustion. I hardly see you anymore as well, so I think you missing one day of practise won't make a major difference. You're an amazing skater Victor,  so please just take one day to look after yourself before you hurt yourself."

"Yuuri-" Victor started before Yuuri cut him off saying,

"Stay with me today and cuddle with me, please Vitya." Yuuri pleaded, looking at Victor with his puppy eyes that always caused Victor to melt.

"Ok, just for today." Victor said as he got comfy in bed with Yuuri cuddled up against his side. As Yuuri buried his head into Victor's chest, Victor couldn't help but smile at how cute and adorable the smaller male really was. The two stayed in bed for the rest of the day, cuddled in each others arms as they enjoyed each others company.

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