17: Destiel

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"It's not bad to cry in fact I think it makes a person stronger."

Dean doesn't cry. He never cries. Not around Sammy and certainly not John. John made it perfectly clear that only weak men cry and Dean wasn't weak. He could be weak, he had to protect Sammy.

No matter what he couldn't cry. A single tear can slip but he can't cry. No matter how much he wants to, no matter how much it hurts. He can't cry.

There was only one time where Dean let himself become weak. That was when he lost someone. Over the years you would think he would be used to his love ones. But no, no matter how many times it happens it's still like someone is reaching inside his chest and ripping his heart out before punching him in he stomach.

Even when he has lost someone he doesn't cry in public. He doesn't cry in front of Sam. Sam mustn't know that he was weak. He can't lose Sammy. He just can't. No Dean would wait untill there was no one around or he was in the shower before he sobbed quietly to himself. Relieving his heart of all the pain that has been building up inside him.

One night, Dean's emotions were everywhere. He couldnt think straight. All he felt was stress and anger. All other emotions were drowned out as these two raged on. Dean went for a drive in Baby hoping to clear his head. It usually helped.,driving and blasting AC/DC or Metallica until his eyes hurt and he was deaf to every other other noise.

He stopped at an empty feild that he had once found while driving and parked his Impala. Then he screamed. Dean screamed until there was no oxygen left in his body.

Just as he was about to scream again. Cas appeared at Dean's side feeling the distress the man was in. Cas then pulled Dean into a hug as he lowered them to the ground. Just knowing that Dean didn't need words of comfort he jaut needed the hug. He just needed the physical contact, to let him know that he was there and that he wasn't going anywhere.

Tears were threatening to spill but they just couldn't. That was befire Cas whispered in Dean's ear, "It's not bad to cry in fact I think it makes a person stronger." After that the tears just flowed down Dean's cheeks as Cas rocked them side to side, juat holding Dean close.

Dean pulled away, tears still streaming and with out another thought he pulls Cas into a kiss. It was sloppy and uncoordinated and desperate but it was perfect. Their lips moved in sync as Cas raised his hands to cup Dean's face and wipe away the stray tears while Dean ran his hands through Cas' raven hair.

Dean soon pulled away taking a deep breath of oxygen before whispering "I've been wanting to do that for ages. Just know it's OK Cas if you don't like me back that's fi-."

Cas pulled him into another kiss, thinking of no other way to stop Dean from talking. "Of course I do Dean, I have since I pulled your soul from hell." Cas said smiling at Dean.

For the rest of the night the hunter and his angel sat under the stars, happy to just be together.

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