66: Spidypool: Part Two

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"You're safe now I've got you."

As the night grew longer and darker, Wade was slowly going out of his mind looking for Peter. He wasn't anywhere and with no leads or way to track him, Wade could feel the continuous worry twist and turn in his stomach as each second passed by.

Jumping roof top to roof top, Wade frantically searched high and low for any sight of his missing boyfriend. The full moon shined down at him as it crossed the black night, taunting him with memories of him and Peter spending hours outside doing nothing but cuddling to keep each other warm as they watched the stars.

Wade was about to jump to another roof when he heard him phone go off. With out a moments hesitation he answered hoping that it was about Peter and not some random person who called him by accident. Holding the phone up to his ear, Wade heard the voice of Peter. He sounded so tired and sacred that it broke Wade's heart to know that he was so far away from finding him.


"Peter, baby, I'm here can you tell me what happened and where you are."

"T-they just... came up b-behind me and.. and..."

"Shh baby, shh. Just tell me where you are and I'll come get you I promise." While Wade was peaking to Peter, he was sprinting across roof tops an jumping over ally ways in the hopes to get there faster as sooner.

"The abandoned building, you remember, where we first met." If Wade wasn't so frantic to find his baby boy and unalive the person who took him from him then wade would have smile at the memory of when they first met.

Wade was on another job and it happened that the guy hid in the abandoned warehouse. Just as Wade was about to kill the guy, Peter swung in and tried to stop him. It didn't work and the guys died painfully, but after that day, Wade and Peter would run in to each other more and more until they decided to hang out in their free time.

Wade wasn't far from the warehouse so got there quickly. Entering the building he found it empty. If it was any other time he would have been wary of the situation but the only thing on his mind was finding Peter and making sure he was safe. He found Peter unconscious and tied up in a dark room towards the back of the warehouse.

He quickly untied him and whispered "You're safe now I've got you." before carrying him back to the entrance. But entering the main room, Wade found himself surrounded by people from all sides except behind. Wade made sure that Peter was going to be safe and then made quick work of the other people who thought it was ok to take the love of Wade's life.

Once everyone was defeated, Wade once again picked up Peter in his arms and carried him to Stark Tower. It took an hour for Wade to reach the residence as he didn't want to disturb Peter while he slept. All the light were in in the tower and once he had entered the actual entrance he could hear Tony's frantic voice, Wade asked the AI to tell Steve and Tony that he was here with Peter as he waited for the lift to take him upstairs.

Once Wade had stepped out of the lift, Tony and Steve were standing there, the fear and worry that was clear on their faces visibly disappeared as they saw their baby was safe. Steve walked over to Wade and took Peter out of his arms so he could take him to his room. This left Wade in the same room as Tony.

Wade was nervous after what happened between them the last time they were together, so Wade turned around and went to leave, asking "Can you keep me updated on how he is and tell him to give me a call when he wakes up please."

"Wade, wait." Tony said. Wade turned around and faced him waiting for him to continue. "I want to apologise for mu actions earlier, that was uncalled for and I should of given you a chance. I also want to thank you for going after Peter and bringing him back safely, its clear that you care about him. Therefore I want you to know that its ok if you want to stay here and wait for Peter to wake up." Tony gave Wade a small smile to show that he was being genuine.

Wade beamed up at Tony and thanked him before rushing off to Peter's room. Wade didn't leave Peter's side until late evening the next day. Peter woke up feeling stiff and tired even after sleeping for hours. Mumbling about the head ache he had, Wade heard him and instantly wrapped his arms around him and brought him in for a hug. Wade buried his head into Peter's neck as he whispered "Don't you ever do that to me again."

Peter hugged back and smiled at his boyfriend before whispering back "I wont."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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