5: Spidypool

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"I'd fight the whole world for you I don't care how cheesy that sounds"
Peter was pissed to say the least. He understood that his boyfriend Wade was a bit protective, ok that that was an understatement Wade was very protective, but did he always have to get involved in Peter's battles.

It was a normal day for Peter, swinging around Queens looking to see if there was any trouble going on, being the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. It was getting late into the night but just before he decided to go home to his shared apartment with Wade, he heard a commotion in an alleyway. Swinging to a nearby building he saw a couple of men about to mug someone. He swung in to help when the muggers turned their attack on him.

Peter was doing fine fighting off the guys himself when who showed up, Deadpool. In seconds the men were dead at Peter's as Wade shot them in the head. Wade knew that Peter hated killing people and hated when he got involved, it made him feel as if Wade believes that he wasn't good enough to fight crime.

After the fight was done, Peter immediately swung home not wanting to speak to Wade. But bu the time Peter got to their shared apartment, Wade was already there.

"Hey Petey you alright?"

"I'm fine." Peter snapped at Wade.

"What's wrong, it's not fair the readers know why you're upset and I don't."

"Why?" Peter asked sounding quite defeated

"Why what?"

"Why do you aways get involved I'm my battles."

"Cause I care about you and can't stand the thought of you getting hurt when I could of done something to prevent it."

Peter was touched that Wade cared so much and any other time Peter would of awed given him a kiss and they would of cuddled on the couch eating take out. But not this time, Wade needed to hear what Peter had to say.

"I get that you care about my safety, but I'm more then capable of looking after myself, but at the moment it's feels like you think I can't and that makes me start doubting myself whether I'm good enough to be Spiderman, whether I'm good enough to be with you." Peter said looking down and as each word came out of him mouth he became quieter.

Wade looked down at the smaller male in front of him. Smiling about how adorable his boyfriend was and lifted his chin up lovingly so they could talk more clearly.

As soon as he made eye contact with Peter, Wade said "I'd fight the whole world for you I don't care how cheesy that sounds, you are good enough baby, you are amazing, but I'll never stop wanting to protect you, if it makes you happy I'll back off abit so you can fight your own battles, but no promises that it will be all the time."

Peter smiled up at him boyfriend before hiding his blushing face into Wade's chest. As Wade wrapped his arms around Peter's shoulders, Peter mumbled "I love you Wade"

"I love you too, baby boy."

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