43: Shieth

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"I'm not going anywhere"

Shiro and Keith had been dating since just before Shiro left for his Kerberos Mission and the whole experience had left Keith in a bad place.

Since learning that Shiro had died on the mission, Keith was overwhelmed with grief, anger and anxiety. But he never once believe that Shiro died. So he went against everything that Shiro taught him and tried to find him by any means necessary, even hacking into the garrison and dropping out to spend all his time searching.

When Shiro crashed back onto Earth, Keith's main priority was to rescue him, Even that was nearly messed up by Lance and the other two. But now that they had left Earth and were on the Castle of Lions, Keith started distancing himself from Shiro.

Keith knew that they were now in the middle of a war, and in war there will always be deaths. Keith couldn't handle the fact that he could once again lose Shiro and be plunged back into a state of depression and grief that would leave him broken and lost. As much as it pained him, Keith kept his distance from Shiro so if anything did happen, then the impact may not of been as bad as it would of been.

Shiro knew what Keith was doing, having been apart of the boy's life for years, Shiro was able to read him and know when something was wrong and what Keith would do. So one evening, Keith was once again using the training room, when Shiro walked in.

"End training sequence" Shiro shouted clearly. He then walked over to Keith and said "You and I need to talk."

Keith and Shiro walked out of the training room and went to sit in Shiro's room. Once inside Shiro sat on the bed and patted the space next to him, indicating that he wanted Keith to sit down. Once Keith had sat down Shiro said, " Keith, I know something is wrong, please talk to me baby."

Keith looked into Shiro's dark grey eyes and all he could see was pure worry and concern. Looking at that Keith broke down and cried while saying "I'm sacred Shiro, I'm sacred I'm going to lose you and I cant lose you again, I just can't. I killed me before, not knowing if you were alive or.... or.....I just can't do it. But I'm selfish, because even though I'm pushing you away, I can't let you go. I love you and I'm just so sacred."

As Keith cried, Shiro rocked him back and forth, whispering sweet nothings and soothing words into his ear. When Keith had calmed down a bit from sobbing, he was falling asleep listening to Shiro's heart beat. Shiro laid them both down, with Keith wrapped in in his arms. Just as Keith was about to go to sleep, Shiro whispered "I'm not going anywhere"

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