2: Frazel

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"I love you with all my heart"


After the fight with Gaea, Hazel and Frank journeyed back to Camp Jupiter to continue to live their lives in the safety of the place that they have called their home from many years. Although it was hard to leave the people they have come to know as a second family behind, they knew that they didn't truly belong in Camp Half-blood and had missed home.

After promising to visit often and subtly threatening Will not to hurt Nico, Hazel and Frank were on their way home.

Since returning they have been spending a lot of time together when they haven't got other duties to complete. One evening Frank and Hazel walked up a large hill over looking Camp Jupiter as the sun started to set in the horizon.

For the past week the two have been extremely busy around the camp and have hardly seen each other. So this morning during breakfast Frank asked Hazel to meet up with him after diner. Now the two are sat upon the hill watching the sun set while leaning into each other.

Silence blanketed them in a peaceful atmosphere that they haven't been able to enjoy for a while. That was until Frank broke it by saying, "Hey Hazel, I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I love you."

"I love you more." Hazel replied giggling slightly

"No I love you more." Frank said looking down at his frizzy haired girlfriend

"Nope I think you'll find I love you more Frank Zhang"

Frank looked into Hazel's golden eyes as he had done many a time before. He once again admired the courage, kindness and above all the love that shined through them so brightly. He learned down so his lips brushed against the shell of her ear and whispered "I love you with all my heart Hazel Levesque." before pulling away kissing her cheek softly.

As Frank went to look down at Hazel's face she quickly nuzzled her head into Frank's chest. However she did do this soon enough that Frank missed the rosy blush that spread across her cheeks. For the ret of the evening the two continued to cuddle as they watched the sun set and the stars that lit up the night sky so beautifully.

It was moments like this that they enjoyed most as no words were needed as they were with each other, and no amount of sweet words could change the raw emotion that these moments contained. Actions speak louder the words after all and being in each others presence was the greatest peace these two souls had in this world.

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