51: Shklance

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"Were you ever going to tell us"


Lance had secret that he didn't want anyone to know. Of course Pidge and Hunk knew, but he couldn't keep anything from his best friend and you cant hide anything from the Pidgeon. But no one else could know, not Allura and certainly not Keith and Shiro. They couldn't think he was weak, then they would stop him flying Blue.

You see, Lance was an Omega and where he came from Omega's were seen as weak and useless. The only thing they were good for was cleaning, looking after the pups and pleasing their Alphas. Growing up in this society, Lance grew to believe these standards. But when he presented as an Omega, Lance did all he could to prevent people finding out his secondary gender.

From the age of 14, Lance would take suppressants, scent blockers and birth control just in case any Alphas found out and couldn't keep it in their pants. Hunk and Pidge had often told him that he should come off them due to all the problems they could be causing in his body, but he never listened quite happy living the lie of being a Beta.

Due to him being an Omega, Lance refused to sleep in the same bed as his boyfriend's Shiro and Keith. Its not that he didn't want to stay with them, in fact he could think of nothing better then waking up in their arms every morning, only to fall asleep in them later on. It was just the Lance was scared that if they found out what he really was that they would be disgusted and not want him anymore.

One afternoon during a team bonding exercise, Keith had gotten frustrated with Lance as he wouldn't let them in to his mind and that was effecting how they could form Voltron. So after a lot of shouting between the two males and Shiro trying to calm them down even though he was failing miserably. Keith used his Alpha voice and shouted at Lance saying "WHY DON'T YOU DO EVERYONE A FAVOUR BY BEING LESS ANNOYING AND LEAVE US ALONE ONCE AND A WHILE."

Lance went to say something but closed his mouth and left the room . He went straight to his room and once he reached it he closed the door and rested his back against it before sliding to the floor. The raw pain the was flooding Lance, shattered the remains of his heart to pieces until he as sure that there was nothing left after Keith's comment.

Lance wasn't sure what had hurt worse, the look on Keith's face, his words or the fact that Shiro did nothing to comfort him and tell him that it wasn't true. Lance finally crawled towards the nest that rested in the corner of his room, that was made of a mix of blankets, pillows, his, Pidge's, Hunk's, Keith's, Shiro's, Allura's and Coran's clothes. One in the nest Lance broke down as floods of tears ran down his cheeks and self hatred devoured him.

What made this whole experience worse was the fact that Lance had run out of suppressants and scent blockers. He knew he would eventually but now his Omegan self made itself more noticeable and were playing with his hormones and emotions.


That evening Lance didn't turn up for food or leave his room after the argument hours before, and everyone was worried. The most worried were Pidge and Hunk, they knew that Lance would be having a terrible time and were worried about what he would be doing to himself.

After dinner, Keith and Shiro left with a bowl of food goo for Lance and went to his room to make sure that he was ok and to apologies.

When they entered the sight in front of them was heart breaking. There Lance was wrapped around himself, a continuous stream of tears ran down his cheeks and he degraded himself and his worth as a person, paladin and boyfriend. He kept mumbling how no one would ever love him and that he was a worthless Omega that is un worthy of a mate. He said that Blue was wrong and that he wasn't strong enough to be a Paladin. Shiro's and Keith's senses were attacked by the scent of a distressed Omega.

The two Alphas continued to watch the Omega until he whispered "They would all be better off with out me, Shiro and Keith would be happier and better off with out me."

At that the two male walked over to Lance but stop upon reaching the nest, knowing that it would only upset him further as they haven't been invited. Shiro go Lance's attention and said "Hey Kitten, can we enter your nest please."

Lance didn't look up at them as he nodded his answer, he was too busy trying to wipe his tears and calm down. Keith and Shiro entered the nest before gathering Lance into their arms and held him close. As they did this they whispered their apologies and how important Lance was to them and to the team and how much they loved him.

Finally once Lance had calmed down and was happily cuddled up in his alphas arms Shiro asked "Were you ever going to tell us? You know that you were an Omega."

"Honestly no. I was too scared that you would see me as weak and more worthless then I already was and not want me, I was also worried that you would stop me flying Blue."

"Lance that would never happen. We love you and no matter what we will always want and love you. We don't see you any different as before, we juat wish you told us sooner. We would also never make you stop flying Blue. She chose you as her Paladin and you are a great pilot. You are also important to the team. " Keith said.

"But baby, can you promise us something? Can you never hide you true self from us again. You are amazing just the way you are so be proud and show it off." Shiro said.

"I promise 'Kashi." Lance said yawning.

The three mates cuddled impossibly closer in nest as they drifeted off to sleep wrapped in each other's arms. The last thing that could be heard was Lance saying "Good night my Alphas."

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