4: Drarry

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"It breaks my heart that people are so mean to you"

After the battle of Hogwarts all students were invited back to complete their year's at hogwarts. This included the Golden trio and the rest of the seventh years that missed their final year at Hogwarts. Everyone was excited to go back to the place that was their home away from home.

During the war old rivalries were put aside and even at the start of the new year they hadn't resurfaced. During the restoration of Hogwarts the Golden trio had forgiven and became close friends with their pervious rival Draco Malfoy. Ron and Hermione however still unaware of the relationship between Harry and Draco that has started in sixth year.

Once back at Hogwarts Harry couldn't be happier, the war was over, he had amazing friends that were finally dating and a wonderful Boyfriend. There was one problem thought not only did he have to hide his love for Draco but he had noticed the glares and horrible comments that were thrown at Draco.

Not many people know that like Snape, Draco had been a spy for the Order and had actually helped the cause more then hinder it. So all Harry could do was be there for Draco.

One day after lessons Harry didn't see Draco in the Great Hall at dinner. Slightly worried about Draco, Harry went to the Room of Requirement as that is where they meet.

Harry thought he would be early for one and surprise Draco but when he entered, the gut wrenching sound of sobs filled the room. Harry's eyes darted around the room searching for the source when they landed on Draco.

Harry instantly rushed to Draco's side and cradled him in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and pressing kisses to his head and temple untill Draco calmed down enough to speak clearly.

"What happened Draco" Harry asked softly

"It doesn't matter Harry, it's stupid."

"It can't be stupid if it upset you."

"It was just some second years, you don't need to worry I should let their words get to me."

"It breaks my heart that people are so mean to you. You don't deserve this Draco."

"Can we stay here tonight, I just want to be with you for a while."


As if knowing what they wanted thee room conjured pillows and blankets and a bed for the boys to sleep. Lifting Draco into his arms Harry carried him to the bed and settled under the covers. Not longs after their heads hiit thee pillows they were fast asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

The next morning after a peacful night sleep the two woke up and an unspoken plan was made. They couldn't hide their relationship anymore so after fixing their clothes they walked down to the Great Hall, hands entwined together.

As they neard the hall, they could hear the chatter that the table endulged in. They were nervous about continuing into the Great Hall, fearing what their friends would think.

Upon entering the Hall the noise immediately stopped as all eyes focused on the two who were holding hands. When from a painting near the teachers table the voices of Dumbledore and Snape shouted "We told you they were dating Minerva."

The two walked to their tables, faces slightly red from the comment. Upon sitting down Harry's Harry's friends interrogated Harry on his relationship with Draco but they were happy for him.

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