11: Dramione

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"Honestly if I could I would leave everything behind and leave with you"
It was the final battle. Today would determine the whole future of the Wizarding world and maybe the rest of the world as well. Yet all Draco could this about was Hermione.

Unkowing to everyone else Draco and Hermione started dating during fifth year and kept going strong. They did keep in contact with each other through a charm that Hermione found and preformed before she ran way. She couldn't tell him what they were doing or where they were not only for their own safety but his as well.

When they turned up to Malfoy Manor and his aunt carved that disgusting word into her arm it took all of Draco's self control not to curse Bellatrix and whisk Hermione away so she was safe.

Now, as the war was raging on around the halls of the place they had called home for years Draco was frantically searching for the brown curly hair that he came to love.

When he saw her in the corner of his eye fighting off three deatheaters at once. Without hesitation he sent stunning spell after stunning spell toward they until they were all unconscious as he ran to his girlfriend. Upon reaching her he pulled her into a hug, gripping her to him as if his very life depended on it.

Pulling back he grabbed her hand and started pulling her away for the war. Hermione soon pulled her hand out of his grip causing him to stop. She then asked "What are you doing?"

"We are leaving so that you don't get hurt, I can't lose you Mione."

"Draco I can't lose you either but they need us, we can't abandon them." Hermione tried to reason.

"I get that but there are plenty of people who are fighting, as far as im concerned to need to stay safe and here isn't safe. I know you are capable of defending yourself but all it takes is one rouge spell and..." Draco said unable to finish the sentence as the thought was too painful for him to comprehend.

" Draco, I get it. Honestly if I could I would leave everything behind and leave with you. But they need me here and im not going to leave this war. If you want to leave then I'm not going to stop you but I'm staying to fight. " She said running off to rejoin the fight.

Draco looked off into the direction in which the brunette ran off in before running after her. He soon caught up with her and started firing spells to stop those before they had a chance to hurt them.

When Hermione noticed that Draco was there she asked "What are you doing?"

"Well seeing as I can't leave without you, you can't stay without me. Also someone's got to keep you safe Granger." he replied wearing his signiture smirk.

Hermione rolled her eyes at his childish antics that haven't change ld all the years they've known each other and continued to fight side by side untill the war was over.

Once the fighting stopped Hermione and Draco looked each other in the eyes before crashing their lips into a desperate kiss. They had almost lost each other and they were determined that they were going to enjoy this moment that they had with each other and that no one was going to take them away from each other ever again.

They just had one problem to face now.

What were they going to tell Ron and Harry?

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