42: Stony

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"I can't keep kissing strangers pretending that they're you"

Tony had a crush on Steve for a while and it had gotten to the point where Tony couldn't get him out of his head. The only problem was that Tony believed that he wasn't good enough for him and that there was no way someone as amazing as Steve would like anyone like Tony let alone love him.

So to try and distract himself from the growing ache in his heart every time he either saw Steve or thought about him, Tony would go out and sleep with the next willing person that was interested. Tony would drown his sorrows in alcohol and work himself constantly so his mind could be distracted. He would refuse to sleep just do he could avoid the fake Steve that waited for him.

One day after Tony had once again go out drinking and sleeping with someone new, he came back late into a meeting. Steve was not at all happy and asked Tony to stay behind when the meeting was over.

Tony stayed behind lounging in a chair as Steve walked up to him and stood in front of him, arms crossed.

"Where were you?"

"I was doing something important."

"What was so important that it meant that you showed up half way through an important meeting"

"It's non of your business Rogers." Tony said getting quite annoyed at Steve.

"It is when it could put the team in jeopardy. Have you been drinking and sleeping around again?"

"So what if I have, what does it matter to you."

"Tony, you cant keep doing this, this isn't healthy or right and what if something happens to you. You're not just risking your life here, you're risking everyone that's around you.

"Don't you think I know that Steve. I know that these habits are unhealthy and are bad for me, I know I need to stop drinking and I know I need to sleep more. But I can't. Just like I know I can't keep kissing strangers pretending that they're you. But I do as I'm trying to get you out of my head. I need to distract myself from the fact that I love you but I can't have you, distract myself from the pain I feel every time I see you. This is just how I numb myself." Tony shouted as tears cascaded down his face as he walked out the door leaving Steve in a state of shock.

Later Steve tries to speak to Tony for the rest of the day but every time that he came close Tony would leave or go speak to someone else. It was clear that he was trying to avoid Steve but he just continued to pursue Tony.

After the fifth attempt to talk to Tony, Steve decided to try a different way. So for the rest f the day Steve left Tony alone but when it became late into the night, Steve went down to Tony's workshop knowing that he would be there for almost the whole night.

Seeing Tony sat at the desk looking at blueprints, Steve walked up towards him saying "Tony, we need to talk."

"You really can't take a hint can you. Usually when someone avoids you it mean that they don't want to speak to you."

"Tony, you can't avoid me forever."

"Watch me."

Steve walked over to Tony clearly annoyed at him. Tony wouldn't even give him a chance to say anything. As soon as Steve was stood behind him, he said "Tony" before he spun Tony around and smashed their lips together.

Tony instantly kissed back not knowing what will happen after this but not wanting to pass up the opportunity to finally kiss the man he loved. But as soon as it happened Steve pulled away and said "Maybe if you had told me you wouldn't have needed to kiss strangers, pretending they were me." Before pulling Tony in for another kiss.

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