47: Klance

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"Hey I know your hurting but you're not alone, okay"

Losing Shiro after the battle with Zarkon had a major impact on the whole team no one was sure what to do except search for their missing friend. Keith was handling in the worst as he had once again lost his brother and last family member. Last time this happened, Keith went into a stat of depression for a matter of months.

Lance had been keeping a eye on Keith, worried for his boyfriend of three months. Lance could see that Keith was struggling with the news but wouldn't let his true feelings show.

One night, Lance woke up to find that Keith was in bed with him, Lance knew where he would be and that was why he sprinted straight to the training room. Entering the room Lance saw Keith engaging in sword on sword combat with the training robot.

Lance saw how tired Keith looked and immediately called for the simulation to stop. Keith turned towards Lance who was walking towards him and started shouting at him for shutting off the simulation. Lance just kept walking to Keith, completely ignoring Keith's shouts of anger and frustration.

Lance knew that Keith was hurting and he had his own way of dealing with the situation that they had just been thrown into but he wouldn't let Keith endanger his own health to do it. He loved the mullet haired boy too much to allow that to happen. They had already lost Shiro, they couldn't lose Keith as well. He couldn't lose him. So when he was close enough, Lance rested his hands on Keith's shoulders and started into the violet eyes that he could always get lost in while saying "Hey I know your hurting but you're not alone, okay"

Once he had said that, Lance gave his boyfriend a small smile as Keith's eyes began to water. Without warning Keith collapsed into Lance's arms and started to sob. Lance lowered them to the ground while pulling Keith onto his lap so he could cradle the smaller male while he cried.

Lance whispered sweet nothings into Keith's ear as he allowed all the emotion that he had been hiding from everyone come crashing out. Lance did nothing but hold Keith as he cried out all the pain from losing Shiro, but with every sob a small piece of Lance's heart shattered as he wished he could do something to ease Keith's suffering and vowed that he would make sure that Keith never again had a reason to allow such a heart breaking sound leave him lips.

Keith soon fell asleep in Lance's arms. Lance carried him to bed and laid down behind him holding Keith's body close to his. But just he fell into a peaceful sleep with his boyfriend Lance whispered "I promise you we will find him, I'll make sure of it."

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