31: Prinxiety

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"Wanna like, I mean if your not busy.... we could get lunch or even just coffee if you don't have alot of time"
Virgil has been crushing on Roman for years, he couldn't remember a time where the prince like figure didn't cause butterflies to erupt in his stomach or turn his face red enough that it showed through he foundation.

The only problem for Virgil was that he was too anxious to ask Roman out. The hours he had spent preparing and practicing but when he tried, the words got stuck in his throat and instead of asking the love of his life out, Virgil would insult him instead.

One day Virgil had been sat in his room with Logan and Patton sat either side of him, helping build his confidence and persuade him that today was the day he would finally ask Roman out.

These two had been by his side helping him through every step of they way, and with their help Virgil came one step closer each time. Apart of Virgil was abit jealous of the two as they had it so easy as they were already dating.

Filled with enough confidence to last a life time, Virgil exited his room and when in search of the fanciful character.

Finding Roman sat in the common room, Virgil approached but with each set taken the confidence that filled him dissappeared slowly as if it had never been there in the first place, until there were equal parts confidence a nd anxiety that made him the anxious, stuttery person he always was when he was around Roman.

"Hey Roman."


"Do you have a moment in need to ask you something."

"Of course, what is it you wanted to ask."

"I was wondering....." Virgil said mumbling toward the end

"Wondering what Virgil?"

"Wanna like, I mean if your not busy.... we could get lunch or even just coffee if you don't have alot of time" Virgil finally said, refusing to look Roman in the eyes.

Roman smiled at the adorable mess that Virgil was slowly turning into and the silence that fell between them grew ever longer. While Roman looked calm on the outside, he was screaming finally to himself as much like Virgil he had been crushing on the anxious person.and was too nervous to ask the other out.

Roman quietly replied with "I can certainly get lunch with you but I'll have to take a rain check on the coffee, I simply can't fit it into my busy schedule for doing nothing."

Virgil looked up at Roman, a look of bewilderment upon his face at the joke he had just used. The who continued to stare at each other before their bodies were over come with laughter.

As the two giggled and clutched onto each other to make sure they didn't fall to the floor, Patton was silently screaming to his boyfriend about how his strange dark son was growing up so fast. While Logan just smiled and held  Patton close, content that everyone he cared for was happy.

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