3: BoyfRiends

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"I don't care if I don't get any sleep tonight as long as I can be there for you"


Jeremey knew that the squip wasn't gone forever. I was apart of him now and even though he had silenced it for now it still had power over him. But for now life was good he had the girl of his dreams, his player two back and he wasn't being bullied. But that's when everything had to become shitty.

Jeremey soon found that the squip could still talk to him but unlike before the power it held now was much worse then before. As it was silenced when he was awake it talked to him while he was asleep. Jeremey would wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, tears streaming down his face while his throat was sore from screaming.

To prevent the horrific images the squip would project into his mind while he slept he tried to stay awake as long as he could. The sleep deprivation started getting to much. He would fall asleep during class and when he was spending time with Michael and Christine. Everyone could see that Jeremey was having a hard time but he assured people that he was fine.

A few days after the night terrors started Christine pulled Jeremey to the side at the end of school. She explained how things between them were no longer working out and that she couldn't cope with the sudden responsibility of Jeremey when he was in this state while trying to do well in school. Christine tried to make the break up a painless as possible but it still left Jeremey slightly heart broken but he knew that their relationship wasn't right and that something was missing. But it still gave the squip more to work with when Jeremey could no longer hold sleep back.

The only place Jeremey found peace anymore was Michael's basement. Michael would often make Jeremey get some sleep before playing Apocalypse of the Damned into the night. Michael and Jeremey always had a close friendship and these night terrors only brought them closer. If Jeremey was at his house Michael was always over and the same went for Michael's house. Michael would watch over Jeremey while he slept so if he did get a nightmare then Michael could wake him up.

One night while Michael was staying over Jeremey was once again haunted by the squip that was stuck in his brain. He soon woke up trembling with fear only to see Michael watching him worry etched into his face. Running a hand down his weary face Jeremey said "Maybe you should go home Micha its getting late."

"I'm not going anywhere Jere, you need me right now so I ain't leaving."

"Micha you stay with me all the time I can more then survive a couple hours with out you, plus you won't get any sleep here and you need it as you've been living off of slushies' the last couple days."

"I don't care if I don't get any sleep tonight as long as I can be there for you. You're my player one so we have to stick together. Therefore I'm not leaving"

"Why would you risk your health for me?"

"Because I........." Michael mumbled leaving Jeremey unable to hear the last of the sentence.

"What, I didn't hear you Micha."

"I love you Jeremey, I have for a while now."

Hearing those words leave Michael's lips hit Jeremey hard. His brain travelled to every moment that they shared together. Every late night playing video games. Every text and conversation, every lingering glace that Jeremy thought he had imagined. Looking back he realise that every flutter of his heart when Michael was near, every time he day dreamed in the middle of class of Michael. Was his subconscious telling him that he loved Michael.

Propelling himself forward with the little energy that his body could afford to release he crashed his lips against Michael's. Jeremy couldn't help but admire how soft and warm and right they felt against his. When Michael got over the initial shock that his long time crush was kissing him he kissed back with the same amount of love and passion that Jeremy showed first. They didn't rush, the pase was slow and perfect as their lips moved in sync. It showed each other the amount of love they held for the other.

When they pulled away to allow the oxygen to fill their lungs, Jeremy whispered against Michael's lips "I love you too Micha" before resting their foreheads together and relaxed in the bliss of the moment that surrounded them like a blanket.

The two lay in the bed refusing to leave the comfort of the others arms and as sleep over took their minds and for the first time in a long time Jeremy could sleep without the squip destroying his peace.

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