48: BlackHulk

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"You didn't call. You didn't text. Nothing"

After being trapped in space for years Bruce was glad to be home on Earth. He just wish it could be on better terms. Bruce noted that a lot had changed since he vanished but somethings were still the same. One of which was Natasha.

Although she didn't have red hair anymore, Bruce still thought she was the most beautiful and intelligent person he had ever met. Another thing that didn't change were his feeling for her, no matter what there was no denying that he was in love with her.

Upon seeing her, his heart skipped a beat however the atmosphere grew awkward when they just stared at each other, not believing the other was there or knowing what to say. So later on when they were alone Bruce went to greet Natasha properly.

But as soon as he uttered her name, Natasha spun around to face him. Her face was void of emotion but knowing Tasha well Bruce knew she was livid by the fire that danced in her eyes.

Without hesitation, Natasha shouted "How could you!? How could you leave us like that!? You just vanished. You didn't call. You didn't text. Nothing. And then suddenly, years later you show up out of the blue as if nothing happened. Do you never stop to think how worried we were. How worried I was. I thought we had something. But then you left us. You left me."

Never had Bruce heard Natasha sound so vulnerable. Instantly he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He couldn't bare the thought of all the sadness and worry that she must of gone through while he was away.

Natasha retuned the hug as she buried her head into he neck trying to will way the tears that were threatening to flow down her cheeks. Bruce pulled away a little and tilted her head up so he could look into her green eyes that he had missed so much and said "I'm sorry for the worry I caused but I promise you, when we make it out of this war alive, I will never leave your side again until you push me away."

As tears brimmed in both their eyes, they pulled each other into another hug, just content to share these special moments together before they had to join the others in a battle that will determine the fate of all life in the whole galaxy.

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