6: Johnlock

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"It doesn't matter  if we cant describe it we both feel this"

Sherlock has been lying on the couch for hours now but no amount of time spend in his mind palace could help him understand this foreign problem that was called feelings.

Sherlock had been suffering from emotions that he has never experienced before. He has narrowed down the cause of these emotions but he didn't know what to do about it.

"Mrs Hudson, I require your assistance." Sherlock called from his room.

"Yes, Sherlock."

"I need....... advice."

"Advice on what."

"I've started having these problems and I don't know what they mean and how to deal with them. I've started to feel emotions,and my heart starts to race whenever I'm close to John and I get a sickly, nervous feeling in my stomach. But all this happens revolving John. I don't know what to do or what they mean." Sherlock explain

Mrs Hudson was going to answer when a laugh came from the doorway. A laugh that Sherlock wished didn't happen. There standing with a smug look on his face was Mycroft.

"Really Sherlock, for someone so intelligent you really are stupid. I have to be honest thought I did think that you would take longer to resieve these emotions."

As soon as he arrived, Mycroft left with out another word.

"Just talk to him Sherlock and everything will sort them selves out, I promise." Mrs Hudson said smiling, she always knew that this would happen sooner or later but she did think John would have to make the first move.

Later that night while John was sat reading in his normal chair and Sherlock was still lying on the couch, Sherlock decided to take Mrs Hudson's advice.


"Yes Sherlock."

"I have something to tell you."

"I have something to tell you."

"Go on."

"When ever you are around, my heart starts to race and I get as you would say 'butterflies' in my stomach, I also seem to feel better and enjoy things more when you are around. And I smile more apparently. Then I get these feelings that are just indescribable but make me feel great when you are around and terrible when you're not, and I have no idea what they are or what they mean."

During Sherlock's ranting, John had stood up and walked over to Sherlock. As Sherlock sat up and turned to face John, John squatted down so he was looking directly at Sherlock before saying          "It doesn't matter  if we cant describe it we both feel this."

At the end of his sentence John leaned in and pressed his lips against Sherlock's. Sherlock was surprised at first at John's sudden gesture but soon relaxed into the kiss.

Even though Sherlock would never admit it the kiss was over too soon as John pulled away.  "Sherlock those feelings you were describing, they're called Love."

"Then I love you John."

"I love you too Sherlock."

Sherlock pulled John back in for another kiss. Sherlock wasn't sure what this feeling would intell for the two but he was sure that it would be fun either way. 

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