7: Solangelo

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"When we meet I'm gonna make sure to stop all your hurting and just make you feel safe"
A. N: Warning ⚠ this chapter involves talk of suicide and self harm please read with care. ⚠

Soulmate au

Since Zeus ripped his creations apart and condemned each half to spend the rest of their lives looking for each other, Aphrodite took pity on these mortals and gave them the ability to write on their skin and those marks to appear of their soulmates skin, so that they would never truly be apart. However there were limitations, they can't tell each other their name or location.

Nico was never able to write to his soulmate when he was young, yet after entering Camp half blood when he was 10 he suddenly had writing on his arm. There were little doodles and note and Nico couldn't help but smile. He had planned to tell Bianca when she returned firm her quest.

But when Percy returned telling Nico that she had died, he couldn't bare it. As Nico battled to stay alive on his own and deal with the grief of losing his sister, dark and sinister voices started to echo in his head, telling him that he wasn't good enough. That it was his fault Bianca was dead. As time passed the note from his soulmate became less and less untill they stopped altogether. Those notes were the only thing keeping him afloat. To relieve the pain he felt, he inflicted more upon himself.

Time passed slowly for Nico as everyday was the same, battle to survive. It didn't matter what he was doing but he also battled to stay alive.

Wars were fought and won and people were lost. And at the end of it all they were safe. After the war with Gaea, Nico decided to return to Camp Half-Blood perminately.

During the war Nico started getting notes on his arm from hsi soulmate. Now back at Camp notes have become more frequent and Nico is happy that they care.

Nico would often touch the scars that marked his wrist and feel guilty. Not only did these mark him but they also marked his soulmate and for that he would always feel terrible.

The two souls soon fell into the routine of writing to each other every night at 10, but when one had a rough day they would vent to each other immediately so that they never felt alone again. This went on for months and neither realised that they only lived across from each other.

Will was heartbroken when he saw the white scars that marked his skin. He had been meaning to talk to his soulmate for ages but he could never find the time. He felt terrible that the one that was made for him was going though something terrible that they thought that was the only way out. That night Will swore on the River Styx that he would stop his soulmate hurting, no matter what. So every night Will promised 'When we meet I'm gonna make sure to stop all your hurting and just make you feel safe.'

One day Nico felt horrible, he didn't know what was wrong but he just couldn't find a reason to live anymore. Sure he had his soulmate but they deserved better then him. Who ever they were they were to kind and sweet to him when all he did was destroy every thing he touched.

In that moment he picked up a pen and wrote 'I'm sorry.' before running to the bathroom to end it all.

While in the infirmary Will felt the usual scratch of his soulmate writing to him. But as he looked at the note his heart stopped. Before he could react to the note his arm opened up with cuts and quickly closed and formed scars.

Will was in shock. He couldn't comprehend the events that had happened so suddenly but left a huge hole in his heart. Everything seemed to be going well with his soulmate yet before they could even meet, before Will could even learn their name they were gone.

Will was in such a state of shock that he didn't hear Jason screaming for help with tears streaming down his face as he held a limp Nico in his arms as blood pooled on the floor dripping from his forearms.

It was only when one of Will's sibling brushed passed him. His sences rushed backed to him and assessed the situation in front of him. As soon as his brain registered the severity of this situation he had Jason put Nico on one of the beds and started the healing.

It took many prayers to his father, many hours and alot of magic and power later but Will and his siblings finally got Nico stable.

Will sat beside Nico, watching over him and making sure his vitals stayed normal. Looking down at Nico's scared and red wrists he noticed the 'I'm sorry' that was exactly like the one his soulmate wrote on him.

Desperate to find out if Nico was actually his soulmate, Will grabbed a pen and drew a heart on the back of his hand. After completing the heart he stared intensely at Nico's to see if the heart would appear. Much to Will's excitement the heart did appear.

Will was practically glowing with happiness, his soulmate wasn't dead and better yet his soulmate happened to be the same guy he had been crushing on for the last couple of year.

When Nico woke up, Will was still sat by his bed. Once Will noticed that Nico was awake, Will threw his arms around Nico and crushed him in huge hug.

"Never do that again, you gave me a heart attack."

"What?" Nico said as Will pulled away. Nico looked so confused and slightly sad.

"I thought you said that you were going to talk when you felt sad and that you weren't going to cut anymore. Gods you worried me, I thought I had lost you before meeting you properly." Will ranted.

"What do you mean and I only told those things to my soulmate."

"Yeah well we are soul mates." Will replied blushing slightly.

"What? That's amazing seeing as I've had the biggest crush on you for ages."


"Well yeah."

"I can't believe that that we both had a crush on each other and neither of us made a move. You know what's great though."

"No what"

"Now I can make good on my promise that when we meet I'm gonna make sure to stop all your hurting and just make you feel safe." Will said leaning over to kiss Nico on the forehead. "Now get some sleep, you'll need your strength back if you want to do anything again." Will said before leaving to start work.

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