25: Klance

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"My heart beats literally only for you right now I don't care about anything else"

Since Shiro has gone missing, Keith has gone out of his mind searching for him. Now months down the line Keith has been looking after himself and spending time with his boyfriend and friends less and less as he continued his search for Shiro.

Keith would spend hours looking across the galaxies that they were in, searching planet after planet for any sign of the black paladin.

One morning as Keith was entering the hanger to fly Red once more in his search of Shiro, only to be cut off by an angry looking Cuban male who jaut so happened to be Keith's boyfriend. Lance stood in front of Red, arms crossed against his chest, as stern look on his face as his foot tapped restlessly on the floor.

Before Keith had a chance to explain himself, Lance had crossed the hanger and grabbed onto Keith's red jacket and started dragging him back into the main body of the castle of lions.

Keith could of easily gotten out of Lance's hold and sprinted for Red but he knew better then to make Lance angry as it never ended well. Last time he did that Lance refused to kiss him and made him sleep else where instead of in their bed for a whole week. Yeah Keith didn't want that happening again.

Lance continued to drag Keith down the corridor untill they neared their room. Entering the room Keith noticed two bowls of food goo on the table. Lance let Keith go and walked to the table before saying "Sit down and eat, now."

"Lance I-..."

"Did I stutter mullet? Now sit down and eat for quiznaks sake."

Keith could tell that Lance was going to back down so he reluctantly sat down and started eating. Once he started however ke couldn't stop. He never realised how hungry he actually was yet again he couldn't remember how many meals he had skipped to keep searching for Shiro.

Once the two boys had finished eating Lance got up and walked over to Keith before grabbing his arm and puulliing him toward their bed. Lance lay down first before pulling Keith down on top of him so that he was resting on Lance's chest.

Lance gently stroked Keith's mullet as the two let the silence blanket them as they lay cuddling. Soon Lance broke the silence by saying "Keith, tell me what's wrong and don't say nothing, I know you too well and that means I know that something is bothering you."

"Lance I'm fine I promise."

"No you're not, this behavior is unlike you, you don't eat or sleep all you do is search for Shiro and I get it you want to find him, we all do but you're not looking after yourself properly and it's worrying me."

"I'm sorry Lance, but apart from you and the others, Shiro is the only family I have left, I mean Shiro practically raised me after my dad dies and I never met my mom so he was the only one. He gave me the chance to go to the Garrison. I've got to find him Lance, I've got to. The worse thing is I'm worried I'll lose you too or you'll leave me and I don't think I could handle it. If I never find Shiro then you all I have left. My heart beats literally only for you right now I don't care about anything else" Keith said sadly as tears streamed down his face as much as he didn't want them to.

Looking down at his boyfriend all Lance could feel was sadness that Keith had to go through this and there was nothing he could do to help.

"Keith, we will find Shiro I promise but you need to look after yourself better. And youre not going to lose me as long as you want me ill always be by your side.

"I love you sharpshooter." Keith mumbled into Lance's chest.

"I love you too mullet now get some sleep." Lance said pulling Keith closer to him.

Keith soon fell asleep to the sound of Lance's heart beat, Lance followed not long after content that the love of his life was safe in his arms once again.

Lance felt really sad for Keith and reassured him that he wasn't going anywhere and that they will find Shiro and pulled him close to his chest.

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