28: Klance

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"I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror"
Today was a peaceful day for the Paladins. No galran, no training and no bonding exercises. For once they were all able to relax and spend time with each other like they would if they were home on Earth.

Granted that if they were still on earth they would never of met so for this stressful adventure they were greatful cause it meant that they would a family forever.

Today though the paladins with Allura and Coran were talking about memories that were fond to them and things they had encountered in their time in space.

Coran had juat finished his story of when he was once nearly captured by space pirates in his youth and how once King Alfor had gone half mad with worry when he couldn't find Allura when she was just in her room reading, when Keith asked "Shiro when we do go back to Earth do you think you'll try getting back together with Adam?"

Shiro looked very sad for a moment thinking about his boyfriend that had probably moved on with out him after being presumed dead. But then said "I would hope so but his he is happy with someone else I won't go and try getting him back. Her deserves to be happy." with a small smile on her face.

After Shiro had finished speaking, Pidge piped up and said with a smirk on her face "On the note of boyfriend, do you guys remember how much of a mess Lance was before asking out Keith."

Everyone laughed at the thought because Lance was a major mess whenever he would talk about Keith to anyone except Keith himself. Lance then broke the laughter by saying" Yeah I know I was hopeless, but I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror so I could get how I felt out perfectly when I did finally ask you." directing it at Keith, who was perched in Lance's lap while his rested on his shoulder.

"Yeah that's not how I remember it at all."Keith said teasingly. No one had actually heard about what happened that day, all they know was that Lance asked Keith out and he said yes. In that moment everyone started shouting and pleading for Keith to explain what he meant much to Lance's distain.

"Well as I was training in the training room Lance walked in and ended the simulation saying he needed to talk to me. He was every red in the face and stuttery as he failed again and again at asking me out. It took me a good twenty minutes to realise what he was trying to say. To put him out of his misery and stop him rambling on I kissed him before say yes I would go out with him."

Everyone was in silent shock as they heard that their lover boy Lance, who appeared to be so confident flirting was a stuttering mess when asking his crush out. Soon everyone burst out laughing at the truth behind their get together.

Lance on the other hand was turning a brighter red then Keith's jacket. To hide his face, Lance buried his face into Keith's shoulder.

Keith let out a little chuckle at Lance's adorableness before turning round slightly so that he could kiss Lance better. Lance responded to the kiss immediately because no matter how emotional Lance was something about Keith always made Lance melt.

For the rest of the night, the group kept telling stories of their own and laughed with each other. They each enjoyed this bit of normalcy while it lasted. They were not a normal bunch but this was as close as they could get and they wouldnt change moments like this for anything.

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