22: Stucky

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"Shh it was just a bad dream just a dream okay none of it was real"

Steve and Bucky were happy together. After years of pining over each other and thinking the other was dead, they were finally glad that the love that they had for each other could finally grow into the love that they had to hide away for so long.

Steve was content with the life he had and couldn't ask for anything more. But something troubled him.

For nights on end he would hear screams of terror at random points. They woke Steve up most of the time by the sheer loudness and randomness let alone the fact that it was screams like this that haunted Steve himself.

In fact when the screams first started he thought they were either he subconscious messing with him by replaying the screams of war and death in him mind or was just a figment of his imagination. Either way he thought that they weren't actually happening.

However as time continued on and the screaming never stopped. Steve became more anxious bout who was in such terror. For all Steve knew it could be anyone.

Everyone who was here had been in war or battle of some kind so anyone of them could be suffering with PTSD but the question was, who?

One night Steve finally decides to where it was coming from and who it was. Steve didn't have to look far as, as soon as he walked out the door of his room he could pin point where it was coming from.

Bucky's room.

From in side Bucky's room which was across from Steve's, loud, ear shattering screams were echoing.

Steve walks into Bucky's room without a moments hesitation. The sight that met him when he went through the door almost shattered his heart.

There Bucky lay on his bed, withering and thrashing as if he was in intense pain,he eyes screwed shut and mouth wide open as another shriek escaped him.

Steve rushes to Bucky's side and with all his strength pinned his arms down so he didn't hurt him self, then Steve tried to wake him up as softly as he could as to not cause him anymore stress.

When Bucky wakes up tears are streaming down his cheeks as Steve pulls him into his chest and with arms wrapped around Bucky to keep his safe, Steve rocked back and forth trying to calm Bucky down.

Bucky was silent and Steve rocked him and whispered sweet nothings and 'I love yous' into his ear. Steve would also continuously whisper "Shh it was just a bad dream just a dream okay none of it was real" to Bucky hoping to reassure Bucky that nothing bad had happened and nothing was going to happen.

Bucky soon falls asleep in the comfort and safety that Steve's arms promised as well as the exhaustion that plagued Bucky due to the endless nights of no sleep. Steve lies down with Bucky still wrapped in his arms, reluctant to let him go in fear something would happen like this again.

When the two woke up the next morning they found that they hadn't had a night's sleep like that for years. The couple continued to sleep in the same bed and Bucky never had another night terror again.

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