26: Shklance

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"Please talk to us about it"
Lance was blessed to have amazing friends and even more amazing boyfriends. Since admitting his feelings for Shiro and Keith everything had been amazing and Lance couldn't be happier. But that when all the problems starts is it not?

Recently the doubt and hatred that Lance had for himself had been resurfacing and making him question everything. More common thoughts were ' your useless', 'Shiro and Keith would be better with out you', 'they don't really like you' and 'everyone would be better with out you.'

Due to these thoughts being constant, Lance started to believe them. By being with Shiro and Keith he was only setting himself up for heartbreak when they finally realise how terrible and useless Lance really is. It didn't help that all his life Lance was told that he was never good enough, that he didn't deserve love and now that he had something good in his life he was worried it would be taken away from him when they realized the mistake they made by associating themselves with him.

Before even confessing to the red and black paladins, the chemistry between the two was so strong and undeniable that it's screamed that the two were in love. Even after they started dating, Lance still felt a little left out as they had their own jokes and already had so much emotion for each other, he just felt as if he entered abit too late. He loved them both so much he just feared that they would never show him the same love and admiration as they do each other.

Hopeing to save himself from most of the pain Lance started distancing himself from everyone. Always staying in Blue or missing meals, training when everyone was asleep.

Lance's usual happy self dissappeared and it effected the whole team. Shiro and Keith were worried about their boyfriend and also afraid they had done something wrong, while Allura, Pidge, Hunk and Coran all watched the blue paladin in sorrow not knowing how to help.

One afternoom the Paladins were engaged in a fight with a Galra fleet and Lance kept spacing out almost getting hit twice it ion cannons despite the team's warnings.

It was at this point that Keith had finally lost any composure and let his frustration and anger get the better of him and shouted at Lance.

"For Quiznak sake Lance, you need to sort out your priorities, you have been avoiding the team  non stop for the past two month, your skills are decreasing and your becoming a liability. You need to improve soon or you are going to get yourself or one of us killed and it will be on you! You can be so idiotic and stupid sometimes that it's a wonder why we put up with you never mind the fact that you somehow got into the Garrison! That was a miracle by itself! "

During this time the fleet was nearly destroyed and Lance just sat there in Blue unable to move or do anything except cry as he had a anxiety attack. He always knew that he was terrible and useless but hearing it from someone that he loved hurt more then any wound he had before.

Just as Shiro destroyed the last ship it let off a shot from its ion cannon that shot Blue. The other Paladins heard Lance scream before everything went deadly silent.

Hunk hurried over in Yellow to Blue and started pushing him towards the Castle. The other paladins followed and Lance was rushed to the healing pods.

Once he was put in, Allura did a scan to determine the damage his body had attained. At the end all the paladins were anxious to know how the Cuban male was.

Allura broke the silence by saying "Lance will be OK but his body was under immense stress as he was having an anxiety attack and the shot from the ion cannon sent his body into over drive so it shut down to stop any further problems, he should be out soon though."

Everyone was in shock as they were soon blanketed by silence once more until Keith spoke in a voice no higher then a whisper" This is all my fault, if I hadn't of shouted at him and said all that stuff then he would be OK, I'm a terrible boyfriend" tears started streaming down his face towards the end of his sentence.

Shiro just pulled Keith into his chest and whispered words of reassurance that Lance still loved him and would for give him and that he wasn't a bad boyfriend.

Everyone left the room one by one until it was only Shiro and Keith left. After what seemed hours Lance's pod opened and he fell out into the waiting arms of his boyfriends.

Before Lance was able to day anything,Keith started apologising profusely and begged for Lance's forgiveness as he never meant anything that he said.

Lance said "It's fine Keith, I forgive you."

Keith smiled through the tears that escaped his eyes. The two males carried Lance to their room where Shiro lated on the bed, Lance's head on his chest while Keith cuddled up to Lance from behind.

The three were content just lying together as they haven't in months but something was bugging the oldest male.

Shiro broke the silence by saying "Lance we know that something is wrong, we want to help but we can't if you won't open up to us and keep pushing us away. Please talk to us about it"

Hearing Shiro's pleading voice and feeling Keith nodding into his back the barrier that Lance had been fighting to keep up came crashing down a and every doubt about him being good enough to be on the team, to be with them cames flooding out, along with all his flaws that he hates about him self. Every bit of self deprecation that he had kept hidden away became heard by the two people he thought he would lose if they ever found out how broken and worthless he really was.

At the end of his rant, Lance's face was tear stained as Shiro and Keith stared at him in disbelief that Lance thought all these horrible things about him self.

Keith was the first to break the silence by saying "How could you think that Lance, you are amazing and wonderful and so so beautiful."

Shiro then picked up by saying "Lance we love you so much and we would be able to handle not having you in our lives. You are a vital part of this team and we would be nothing without you. You don't give you self enough credit,i just wish you told us sooner so we could fully explain how truly fabulous you are."

Lance smiled at the two people who made him happy and feel wanted and loved before snuggleing closer to them so they could go to sleep.

Keith smiled at them and said" I love you both so much." before closing his eyes.

Shiro then said" I love you both more, now sleep my loves, you must be tired."

Lance finished by saying" Good night Takashi, night Keith, sleep well mis queridos."

The three then fell into the most peaceful sleep that they have had in ages, listening to each others hearts beats as they were safely wrapped in each other's arms.

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