15: ScarletVision

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"I think I might be falling in love with you"
One lazy afternoon in avengers tower everyone was doing their own thing. Tony was working in the lab, Steve, Sam, Tasha and Clint were in the gym and Wanda and Vision were watching films.

As they sat watch a romance Vision turned to Wanda slightly confused. He didn't understand what live was but only being 'born' not long ago he hadn't much experience.

Vision turned to Wanda and asked "What's love?"

Wanda paused the film before saying "Well there are many different kinds of love. You can love someone as a friend, family or as a partner."

"Can you explain them to me." Vision asked still quite confused by the whole concept.

"Love is difficult to explain but I can try. Love comes in many different forms and it changes with the person. You can love someone as a friend, which means they are apart of the family you chose to create and that you will always be there for them. This love creates bonds that are so strong that can over come arguments and dilemmas that you might be going through. This love makes you loyal and feel as if you can confide in them.

Then you have the love for your family. This is so much stronger then the love you can have for your friends as you grow up with family and as friends may come and go, family are always there. They are the first people that matter most to you and you should be able to feel like yourself around them. Family bond as are some of the strongest anyone can have. There are different types of families also, you have they one your born into and the one you create for yourself by surrounding yourself with the people that matter most to you.

Finally you have romantic and sexual love. This is the strongest form of love as this can over come anything if people are willing and happy enough in a relationship to make it work. This love is for the person you find that you could see a future with. This form of love comes in so many forms and non of them are wrong. Everyone deserves love and should be able to love whoever they want no matter who they are. This love causes your heart to race when they are near, causes butterflies in your stomach when you think about them and jaut seeing them should put a smile on your face immediately and you just feel so much happier and freer around them."

Listening to Wanda he soon began to understand what love was and when she was telling him about romantic love and what it caused he could help but realise that, that was the way that he had been feeling for Wanda. " If you feel romantic love for someone what should you do. " he asked unsure how to tell Wanda how he felt.

"If you felt that way you should just tell them the worse that could happen is that they don't like you like that back."

"Ok I'll do that. I love you Wanda." Vision said casually.

A look of surprise spread across Wanda's face before it flushed red. "I love you too Vision." she said a small smile spreading across her lips.

Wanda scooted closer to Vision so they could cuddle together to finish their film and continue watching others. They were happy just spending time together like this and no one could ruin this for them.

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