Chapter 6 A Sad Farewell

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The shiny Ninetals stood before them.
Frederick could feel his heart racing with panic as his ears pinned back along the sides of his head. 'This is it, we didn't make it now we're all gonna die,
As he glanced over towards his siblings. He could see by the looks on their faces that they were just scared. Richard got defensively in front of them.
"Gerrr, leave us alone!" He growled.
"Hahaha as if I would, now that would be just too nice of me to do so now wouldn't it?"
The Ninetales scoffed.
"What have we ever done to you? Just let me and my family go!" Richard pleaded.
"Nah I don't think so, you see those two?" he pointed a paw directly at Denny and Shawn.
"Darle gave those two a chance to live, but they refused to leave and then had the nerve to challenge him." Julie and Richard exchanged a surprised glance with each other.
Then the Ninetales turned towards Frederick and Scarlet. "And as for those two! They couldn't just go quietly with Darle, they had to make a scene about it."
"Ok fine! I'll come peacefully, but please let my mate and kids go."
The shiny Ninetales let out a nasty growl shooting them all with a mean look.
"No, the shinies must stay! And as for the other two non-shiny brats, they lost their chance when they defied Darle!" He let out a deep sigh as if trying to calm himself down.
"Now I'm only gonna say this once, you'll come with me peacefully or we're gonna have a problem." Richard got into a battle stance.
"Yeah right, you in what army?" He challenged.
Before anything else happened the shiny Ninetales used Confuse Ray on Richard making it very difficult for him to fight. Than he used bite on the shiny Houndoom who yelled.
"Julie Run! Get the kids out of here!"
The Leafeon gathered Shawn and Denny together but before she could reach Frederick and Scarlet the Ninetales got in her way.
"Nice try sweetie but the Shinies stay!"
Fredrick met Denny and Shawn's worried glances.
"Frederick, Scarlet run!!" Denny shouted out in a desperate cry.
Fredrick felt his heart pound as he and Scarlet turned tale and began running.
The shiny Ninetales dashed for them only for Richard to snap out of his confusion and tackle him down.
"RUN KIDS!" Their father screamed.
Frederick and Scarlet kept running through the woodland in a Desperate attempt to get away.
As they were running Frederick could suddenly hear rushing paw steps behind them.
"Get back here!" he could hear the Ninetales howling at them.
"This is useless Frederick, we'll never outrun him!" Scarlet gave a fearful cry.
Then an idea popped into his head.
"Quick Scarlet we need to hide!"
Then he dashed under the roots of a tree and Scarlet huddled close to him.
They both stayed where they were quietly.
Scarlet was trembling badly and her face was full of tears. Frederick hugged her, pulling her closer to him. "It's ok Scarlet, we'll be ok." He whispered hoping it was true. Frederick had to admit to himself he was just as scared but he needed to be brave right now for his younger sister's sake.
Then they heard the crunching of paw steps as the Shiny Ninetales was nearby.
"Kids come out, come out wherever you are."
Fredrick closed his eyes.
'It will be over soon, we just have to stay put until he's gone
Then after five minutes, Frederick couldn't hear anything anymore, He gently nudged Scarlet.
"Come on, we have to go find Mom."
Scarlet was still shaking.
"Frederick, I'm too scared I can't do it!" she sobbed.
"We have to! We can't stay here or they will  find us eventually, come on I'll be right beside you."
He reassured her, giving her courage to get up from their hiding place.
Then just as they got out and ran back to where they had last seen their mother the Ninetales suddenly jumped out in front of them.
"Not so fast!" Scarlet screamed as he grabbed her then Frederick got defensive. "Let her go!"
He used Swift attack which the Ninetsles easily dodged. "Feisty one you are, you'll make a great addition to our team!"
"No! We don't want to stay here!" he objects.
"Well, I wasn't asking you!" Then he snatches Frederick up next and begins running through the forest with both Scarlet and Fredrick dangling by their scruffs. Scarlet was crying while Frederick had a deep sickly feeling.
'Where is he taking us? Will we ever see our parents again? What about Shawn and Denny? Are they gone as well?'
Then the Ninetales finally put them down at first Frederick felt excited thinking this could be their escape moment; it quickly dies away when he sees more Shiny Pokemon. A Delphox, Absol and Darle.
The shiny Charizard stood before them. "Well done Cleo." The shiny Ninetales respectfully bows his head. "It's my pleasure, sir."
"Where are the others?" He asked then suddenly Richard came charging towards them.
Frederick felt a small spark of hope seeing their Father had found them.
"There you filthy Raticates are! Give me back my kids!" he howled in a desperate rage.
Only to be gained on by the Delphox and Absol who easily took him down as it was two against one.
Richard struggled as they both held him down then Darle walked up to him.
"Where are the others?" He demands.
Richard glared at him. "Like I'm gonna tell you!" He spat ferociously.
"Why you-"
"It's ok Darle I'll find them!" Cleo confirmed then ran off.
"Noo!" Richard yelled as he tried to run after the Ninetales only for Darle to stop him.
"I don't think so Shiny! You three are coming with me!"
Richard got mad and used Shadow Ball hitting the shiny Charizard. "The hell we are!"
Darle was now mad he used focus blast which was super effective on the Shiny Houndoom.
"Dad!" Scarlet cried as he fit the ground.
The Delphox lifted him back up. "You want to try that again?" She hissed.
He held her glare with a cold one but made no move.
"That's what I thought, now move it!" She gave him a shove and Frederick knew they had no choice but to follow them.

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