Chapter 20 Behind Blue Eyes

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny woke up in the middle of the night, Shawn's rings were glowing really bright, and Denny felt frustrated 'I can't sleep with those lights on. He lightly pawed at Shawn. "Hey, do you mind Shutting those off?" Shawn was still sleeping, He turned to his other side then his rings started flashing. 'Not better that's even worse!
"Shawn wake up!" Shawn started snoring. 'talk about a heavy sleeper. Denny got annoyed and walked away, he jumped into the river and found a place to sleep. 'much better no Annoying lights. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


The sun came up and Denny started to hear voices "What?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm lost" Denny opened his eyes to see a bunch of Magiccarps just staring at one another asking dumb questions. Denny sighed. "Well food is food and I'm hungry right now." They all looked at him making the Vaporeon feel uncomfortable.
They all went Quiet and stared. "Are you dangerous?" One asked. Denny shrugged. "What if I said I was. Can you even defend yourself?"
"Is he a danger?"
"Who knows?" Denny felt frustrated he sawm up and grabbed one "DANGER!"
"DANGER! Get him!" They all started flapping around trying to use a splash.
"Ok, and this is gonna stop me how?" They all just kept flopping. "HARDER!" One called then they all started flopping. Denny used Whirlpool and they all started spinning and bumping into each other then he grabbed another one and jumped out of the water, Shawn ran up. "Are you ok? I thought something bad had happened to you" Denny growled, "like what? getting splashed by a bunch of Magicarps?" Shawn looked and laughed at the Magicarps. "It's funny too because your water absorb anyway."
"Yeah, I guess" He grumbled then he tossed one at Shawn. "You can have that one" Shawn gave a greatful nod and sat down to chew on his.
Denny sat beside Shawn and started tearing into his eating hungrily at it, then when he was finished he licked the blood off his lips
Shawn tilted his head "So why did you leave me? I was looking all over for you" Denny felt frustrated. 'Can I ever get a break from Shawn? he's always on my case trying to figure out my plans! Denny glared at Shawn "I don't know maybe because someone forgot to dim their lights" Shawn frowned and his lights turned off, "Yea, it's a little late for that now"
"Denny I'm sorry sometimes I forget" Suddenly the bushes shook then Kevin and Zeta appeared, Zeta looked at Denny "Some brother time hu? so how did that go?"
"It was ok, Shawn is ganna fight with us today"
Shawn gave Denny a shocked look. WHAT! But I don't want to."
"Shawn we talked about this, if you can't do this, then how are you gonna manage the real battle?"
Shawn sighed "fine"
Zeta looked at Denny "I think we should get going if we're gonna get to Kyogre today." Kevin took the lead. "I know how to get there follow me, to the ocean!" Denny looked at Kevin. "You're not gonna be part of the battle are you?" Kevin shook his head. "I kind of can't handle water types. it's a bit much for me, plus it's not like I have a chance anyway." Shawn glared at Denny "So how come he doesn't have to but I do?"
Denny bit his lip with frustration. "Because he's a fire type he could die if he ends up in the water."
Shawn looked puzzled "Umm we're gonna be fighting on dry land right?" Charlie laughed "I know I got this battle for sure!" Zeta growled "Yeah I hope so" Shawn frowned. "I don't know.. We are gonna be fighting on land right?" Zeta growled. "Shut up! all you do is complain, complain, why don't you just leave already?"
Denny stepped up. "He's not going anywhere, Shawn is ganna fight on my side when we face Darle" Zeta didn't say anything after that
Shawn walked beside Denny. "Thanks for that." Feeling frustrated. Denny ran up to walk along with Charlie then cast a look back at Shawn.
"You don't trust your brother do you?" Charlie said to Shawn. "Hu? Yeah, I do what makes you think that?" The Umbreon asked looking puzzled. Denny growled, "Because you always follow me, and listen to my conversations, Your starting to get all my nerves, Shawn!" Shawn had a hurt look on his face and he fell to the back of the group. Denny sighed. "Umm, it's not gonna end well with you and Shawn is it?" Charlie asked. Denny frowned "I don't know I'm kind of hoping things will go the way I want."
"Yeah, but whose side do you think he will take at the battle?" Denny glared at Charlie "It better be me!" He growled. "Once anyone walks into this battle with me, they stay on my side." Charlie leaned closer. "Or..?" Denny glared at Charlie "What do think?"
"So you're gonna kill Shawn too?"
Denny felt hurt at the thought of it. "No I can win Shawn over, he won't betray me, he can't!"
"But what if he catches you in an act?"
"He won't I got a plan for that, Shawn will never know the truth." Charlie laughed. "Hehe, OK, whatever you say." Denny glanced at Shawn who was talking to Kevin in the front. Zeta walked up to Denny. "Zeta after our battle with Kyogre I need to talk to you and Charlie about battle plans."
"Alright Danail but what about those two?" He pointed at Shawn and Kevin. "We'll sneak away when they're sleeping." Zeta smiled "Hehe sounds good." They kept walking on till noon then Shawn started complaining. "Are we there yet?" Kevin laughed "Do you see an ocean?" Shawn frowned "No"
"Then why ask?" Zeta grunted. Shawn frowned "How long does it take to get there anyway?"
"It will be hours yet, hopefully, we'll make it by sunset," Kevin answered. "My paws are getting sore from walking." Denny snapped at Shawn "Well too bad, you'll have to push Through it, Shawn." Shawn had his head down. "Does it have to be today we fight Kyogre? there's always tomorrow." Denny was getting annoyed. "Yeah but then you'll say the same thing tomorrow I think you're just trying to put it off." Shawn growled, "That's not true, I just don't get why it's so important that we do it today?" Denny got mad and yelled, "We're doing it today because I said so!"
"Wow ok bossy," Shawn said in a sarcastic voice. Zeta glared at Shawn "Gerrr shut up Shawn, why do you always have to complain?"
Shawn returned the glare. "And why do you always have a problem?"
"Because you're my problem!" Denny was starting to feel very irritated with everyone. "And you are both becoming my problem!" Zeta frowned. "Sorry Daniel" He walked up to Kevin and started talking to him instead. Shawn padded over beside Denny quietly for a bit until his stomach growled. "Can we stop? I'm hungry" Denny growled "Errr! Shut up"
"Wow, Denny why are so grumpy?" He asked.
"Why are you so annoying?"
Charlie laughed "Haha brothers." They both glared at him, Charlie dropped his ears "Sorry I won't say anything else.." Shawn glared at Denny "No offence but who said you were in charge of the battle?" Denny growled, "Because it was my idea."
"Yeah, but we're in this together" Denny sighed "Fine you be in charge, you lead starting with Kyogre." Shawn gulped. "Oh, Umm never mind actually." Denny glared. "Then shut up, and stop complaining!"
"Ok, ok jeez" Shawn rolled his eyes at Denny.
Denny clenched his teeth fighting the urge not to hit Shawn then Charlie poked Him. "WHAT!" Charlie gave him a look. "Umm sorry to say but I kinda agree with Shawn, we should stop to eat, if we're gonna fight Kyogre we need to have the energy." Denny stopped and sighed. "I guess you're right."
"Good I'm going bird hunting like usual." Keven looked at Denny "Are we hunting?" Denny nodded. "Ok." Then he and Zeta took off
Shawn walked up to Denny. "Come on we can hunt together"
"Ok, sure I'm getting tired of eating Magicarps anyway" He followed Shawn into the trees until they picked up a sent linoon the smell made Denny's mouth water. "Linoons have lots of meat on them too, there will be plenty to go around." Shawn looked at Denny "We got this" he started creeping slowly, and Denny was right behind him when they saw it Denny got close to the ground and slowly made his way towards it then he leaped at it, and used an ice beam Shawn ran up and pinned it down and bit its neck Denny ran up. "We got it! Now let's return to the others." Shawn grabbed the linoon and started dragging it back
Once they returned Zeta looked. "Mmm, I love Linoons I didn't catch anything, it's Kevin's fault" Kevin glared. "Excuse me? you're the one who can't be quiet during the hunt." Denny sighed "You guys can have our linoon, I'm gonna catch something else." Shawn frowned "I was kind of looking forward to it." Denny growled, "Shawn don't be picky." Shawn glared at Zeta. "You're welcome, I'm the one that killed it by the way." Zeta growled "Congrats is this the only time you kill?"
"What kind of question is that?"
Denny growled "Shawn! let's go." Charlie came back with a swallow and a pidgeoto "Holly, you did good." Denny complemented Charlie, He dropped them. "Eat up, we have a big battle to win." Shawn ran up and started tearing into the Swallow's flesh. "Thanks, Charlie!" Denny sat down with Shawn and tore off a piece of meat and started chewing on it, Once they were done Denny got up and raised his voice. "Ok, it's time to get moving." Shawn frowned "What's the hurry?" Denny glared at him. "I want to make it there by sunset." Kevin laughed "Don't worry Denny we're almost there, it's not much further" Shawn's eyes went big. "What!, are you sure?"
"Oh yea, I've been to the ocean a couple of times I know what I'm talking about." Charlie got up. "Ok, let's do this just a little further." Then they all started walking again after a couple of hours of walking Shawn ran up to walk with Denny.
Denny felt frustrated "What?"
"I have to go can we stop"
Denny growled "No, you should have gone after you ate now you have to hold it"
"I don't think I can..."
Zeta growled, "he isn't complaining again is he?"
Kevin called. "Look I see the ocean we're almost there!" Denny looked. "Come on let's hurry!"
Shawn frowned "Umm I think I'm coming up with something." Denny glared "Your making that up"
"I don't think I should fight I'm definitely sick." Shawn started coughing. "Come on Shawn those are fake!" Denny snapped. Shawn dramatically on fell on his side. "My leg is broken!" Denny stopped and sniffed it "You're lying, stop it!" Charlie padded up to them. "Come on Shawn you will be fine. Just stay close to me during the battle" Shawn got up "I still have to go!"
"ROAR!!!" They all froze. "That was Kyogre," Kevin said. Shawn pinned his ears flat against his head. "Umm never mind I don't have to go anymore..." Denny glared at him. "What? Shawn don't tell me.."
"Yea I kinda did, I told you I couldn't hold it"
Zeta laughed "That is gross haha way to go Shawn." They all stopped at the water. Denny gazed at the water it seemed to go on forever "Wow..." Then Kyogre splashed up from the water and looked at them. Shawn started shaking with fear Denny leaned over. "Don't worry it's not gonna eat you, calm down." Kyogre looked at Shawn. "MMM YOU LOOK TASTY" Shawn glared at Denny. "Liar!" He tried to run but Denny grabbed him. "Oh no you don't!"
"Let me go, please! He wants to eat me!" Zeta was laughing hard. "Haha! This is just too good" Kevin backed away. "Well, good luck I'm not taking part in the battle." Shawn yelled, "This isn't fair!" Denny looked at Kyogre. "We are here to challenge you, we need your help in a battle that's to come" Kyogre looked at them. "All right if you want my help you will have to earn it in a battle, but if I win I get to eat you all." Shawn frowned. "No deal! I don't want to die!"
"Oh.." Denny felt a bit nervous then he sighed. "We won't lose, we got this" Charlie stepped forward. "I promise I won't let you down this time." Zeta glared. "You better not, our life depends on it!" Shawn glared at Charlie. "Yeah, you better not let us get eaten,  I'll never forgive you if you do!" Charlie shrugged "Well it wouldn't matter because we would all die anyway."
Denny took in a deep breath. "All right let's do this!" He ran up and used an ice beam then Charlie used to thunder and it hit hard. Shawn just ran behind Charlie Zeta yelled, "Shawn if you wanna live then fight! help us!"
Kyogre hit Denny with a hydro pump when the water hit him it made Denny feel like he had more energy. "Haha, water absorb nice try!"
Kyogre turned and hit Shawn with a water pulse Zeta used a shadow ball, and Denny joined him with the same move. Shawn got up and used a confusing ray. Kyogre got confused. "Nice move Shawn." Denny called "See I knew you could do it." Charlie ran up and used an Electric ball then a thunderbolt Denny used an ice beam then Kyogre roared " Enough! I had it, you win" They all stopped then. Kyogre looked at them, Denny stepped up. "I ask your assistance in a battle."
kyogre met Denny's gaze. "As you wish, I heard that you beat Groudon and Rayquaza... here take these." He gave Denny three gems. "When you put them together it will summon the three of us, and we will obey the order you give us, young Vaporeon." Denny nodded his head. "Thanks it may take some time, but when I'm ready I will summon you, and tell you what I need to be done." Shawn looked at Denny. "Maybe I should take those, and I will use them when we need." Denny felt annoyed. "What you don't trust me?"
Shawn looked down and sighed. "Yeah, I trust you it's just that's kind of a lot of power in your paws." Zeta growled "Daniel is the one leading this war he gets to use them now shut it!"
Denny met Shawn's gaze "Trust me Shawn, I'm only gonna do what's best"
"Oh, ok." Kevin padded over to them. "Good, you won now let's find a place to sleep." They all followed Kevin until they found a place in the trees close to the beach. Denny lay down and yawned Charlie lay close by. "That battle was easy
'Yeah and the only one you could handle. Denny thought as Shawn came and lay next to him then closed his eyes to sleep. Denny was still thinking "I wonder if Kyogre is gonna eat all the shinies at the battle?" Denny looked at Charlie. "Hey, get up we need to talk." Charlie got up and followed. Zeta slowly followed as they walked for a bit then stopped. "Ok." Denny sat down. "I think we're far enough from Kevin and Shawn, I want to share my battle plans." Charlie looked worried. "I think I know what you're gonna use the gems for..."
Denny nodded. "Well, Isn't it obvious?" Zeta laughed. "Well to us it is, Shawn is so gullible he trusts you'll only use them for good." Denny glared at him. "And that I will do, no Shinies are good so I'm doing the right thing here." Charlie looked at Denny. "You know some of those shiny are innocent right?" Denny rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know but I don't give a damn they will get what they get." Charlie looked puzzled. "Even your siblings?" Denny frowned as he thought of his brother. "Especially Fredrick and Scarlet!" He looked at Zeta. "I have a favour to ask you." Zeta smiled. "Anything for you Daniel."
"Good I know this will be hard for you, But after Shawn and I kill Darle I need you to take him off my paws, and try to keep him Busy." Zeta's mouth dropped. "What!" Denny glared "Shhh!" Charlie looked down. "What are you planning?" Denny sighed "Zeta disguise yourself to look like me, and whatever you do don't let him get close to a Flareon or Espeon, I can't let Shawn see what I'm gonna do." Charlie looked scared. "Oh no, Denny, you're gonna kill them aren't you?" Denny stared at Charlie giving him a long look. "You knew what I was planning don't act surprised, I plan to kill Darle first then I want my two siblings dead before I summon the legendary's I don't want Shawn to see them get ripped apart he would be devastated if he saw that. So I'm gonna kill them myself." Charlie still looked shocked Zeta was laughing. "Hehe, I love that idea! Haha." Charlie looked at Denny. "How are you gonna pull that off?"
"I'll make it look like an accident for Shawn to find later, I just need a way to get them out of camp and into the forest." Charlie looked. "I will do what I can to help." Denny nodded. "Good now I don't want to talk about this anymore Shawn might wake up, and come looking for us."
Zeta smiled. "Don't worry Daniel I'll keep Shawn busy that day so you can do what you must." Denny nodded. "Good."

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