Chapter 19 Double Trouble

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Fredrick was out in the forest sitting by the water. 'I know I could catch a Magicarp or something at least. Then suddenly Zack jumped on Fredrick playfully. "Hey!" Fredrick pushed him off. "Haha I'm sorry I had to, why are you trying to fish?"
Fredrick shrugged "Because I think I could catch one."
"Ya, but it's weird you're the first fire type I've ever seen try to fish." Fredrick gave Zack a teasing look. "Yeah, and I also know how to swim, but I don't think I want to try it now."
Zack laughed a little. "Haha but at least if you ever do fall in, you might have a chance to get out before it's too late, it's a good thing you can swim." Fredrick went back to staring at the water till he saw movement then he splashed his paw in the water and tried to grab it, Fredrick's paw stung. "Oww!" Fredrick jumped away. "Gerrr I hate water! now I know how Scarlet feels!" He growled. Zack was laughing. "Ha ha hehe you are so funny Fredrick, what did you think was gonna happen?" Fredrick turned around and glared at Zack "It's not funny."
"I'm sorry but it kinda is haha." Fredrick's paw was wet, and starting to feel cold. "Who knew water could be so harsh, and I have to face a water type in the future or Scarlet will die."Fredrick frowned. Zack stopped laughing. "Hey, I'm sorry Fredrick don't be upset."
"Oh that's ok I was just thinking"
"You know Fredrick it's because you're a fire type, I mean a ground type move on me feels horrible but to you not so much, that's how we Pokemon work." Fredrick glared. "I know that! That's not why I'm upset, it's something else." Zack walked closer to Fredrick. "Like what? I'm your friend you can trust me." Fredrick sighed. "Zack I know you are my friend and I'm happy that you have my back, but I don't want to talk about it, let's just head back to camp." Zack sighed "OK, but if you ever need me, you know I'm there"
Fredrick followed Zack back to camp they quickly ran through the entrance before Cleo could notice that they came back empty-pawed, Erand was tied to a tree covered in bruises and blood he looked at them his eyes were swollen and he could hardly open them. Fredrick laughed "Haha that's what you get for being on our backs all the time" Zack smiled at him "Maybe now you will leave us alone." Erand slowly got to his paws "I- I'm gonna get you back." His voice was almost a whisper. "Holly Darle did a number on him," Zack commented. Fredrick felt a little bad for him. "But he had it coming, and he made me and Scarlet suffer, so now it's his turn." Zack looked at Cleo's den "Hey Fredrick I just came up with an idea." Fredrick looked then froze. "What did you have in mind?" Zack winked. "You know what I'm thinking, I don't like Cleo, let's mess it up and just blame it on Codey because he's worse than Erand, he thinks he's better than literally everyone." Fredrick frowned. "Yeah, you're right about Codey, you know when the battle comes I think he's just gonna try to save himself and leave, he doesn't care about anyone but himself"
"So, you in?" Fredrick nodded. "let's do it."
They padded towards Cleo's den, then Scarlet jumped in front of them. "Oh, no, you don't!" She hissed. "Fredrick, are you crazy? You're gonna end up looking like Erand, don't be stupid!"
Fredrick felt frustrated. "Oh, come on Scarlet we won't get caught we will get away with it."
She glared at him. "Fredrick I'm telling you not to because I don't want to see you get hurt."
Zack stepped up. "We won't get hurt."
She glared at him. "It was your idea wasn't it?"
"Well maybe.." He replied nervously. Scarlet shook her head. "I'm going out hunting, Fredrick if you know what's good you won't do it." she spat and then walked away with her tail up high.
"Jeeze your sister is a bit sassy sometimes."
"Yeah but that's because she cares about me, she has her reasons we just have to see past it."
Zack ran into Cleo's den and started breaking things, then Fredrick ran in and broke all the stones he had, and then they heard voices.
"What was that?" "It came from Cleo's den."
"Oh No!" Fredrick said in a low voice Zack yelled. "Run!, let's get out of here!" They both took off fast before anyone could see them. Fredrick ran for the camp entrance. "Quick let's get out of camp so no one suspects it was us."
"Right behind you!" Fredrick could hear Zack following him. Fredrick swerved through the trees then he suddenly ran right into Scarlet knocking her down. "Hey!, get off!" She used psybeam on Fredrick and he got pushed off.
"Oww, why did Do you do that? I'm your brother!" He snapped. "Well, what are you running into me for? you should watch where you're going next time!" She hissed at Fredrick
Zack stopped. "Now, let's just calm down."
"You shut your face, Zack!" Scarlet snapped then glared at Fredrick then turned her glare on Zack. "So you did it?" Fredrick gulped. "I've never seen her this angry before." He whispered to Zack "Hello ears, I heard that!" Fredrick flattened his ears. "Look I'm sorry." She snapped at him. "No your not! you wouldn't have to do it if you were, I warned you, yet you were stupid enough to anyway." Zack stepped up. "Look it was my idea ok."
"Augg" she sighed "This is just like when you and Denny would do stupid stuff all over again."
Zack tilted his head. "Oh?"
"But it was always Fredrick that would talk Denny into it, now it's the other way around."
"Well, at least we got away with it." Zack said.
Scarlet gave him a look. "How do you know that?" Fredrick shrugged "If anyone asks just say it was Codey." She met Fredricks's gaze. "Please promise me you won't ever do anything like that again, I just don't want to see you suffer." Fredrick sighed. "OK, Scarlet I won't promise."
She glared at Zack. "You too Zack I would hate to see anything ever happen to you too."
"Aw, thanks, Scarlet, you have my word."
"What was that aww? I don't like you in that way Zack no offence." Zack's face turned red. "Oh, ya umm, I didn't mean it like that." Fredrick looked at Zack. "You're blushing" he whispered.
"You know this is awkward I think I'm gonna go now." Then she walked away. Once she was gone Fredrick turned his head to look at Zack "Umm you do like her don't you?"
"What? me?" Zack laughed a little
"Haha of course not." Fredrick tilted his head "You sure about that?"
"Yup I'm sure, look Fredrick let's just forget this happened and move on OK?"
Fredrick got up and started heading back to camp "Ok Zack whatever you say."


When they got back Celo glared at them. "Hey did you guys see anyone go into my den earlier?"
Zack looked a bit nervous. "Umm, I saw Codey go in there because he thinks he's better than you."
"Hmmm is that so?" Fredrick nodded. "Oh yeah, I overhead him planning it earlier today so I think it was him."
"Ok, well in that case I better go find him then."
Cleo ran over to where all the new Shinies live.
"Do you think it's a little weird how they all share a den, and there's like 30 of them?"
Fredrick asked. Zack laughed. "Ha ya, but I guess they are too important to have anything to do with anyone else but themselves." Fredrick turned his gaze over to them. "Wow all they do is stay in that same circle all day complaining about how no one matters like they do, even though we're all shiny Pokemon."
"Ya it's kinda sad but whatever," Zack said.
Fredrick padded over to his den. "Hey, I'll see you later ok Zack?"
"OK Fredrick" Zack took off towards where Cleo was talking to Codey. "WHAT!" Codey shouted out loud. Fredrick tried not to laugh.
"OH THAT IS BULLSHIT, I DID NO SUCH THING!" Fredrick turned around to watch as
Cody got mad and kicked Cleo right in the face. "GET OUT YOU BIG OVERSIZED RATICATE!"
Darle flew over. "Is there a problem here?" He asked. "OH YOU BET THERE IS! TELL THIS BIG BAGE OF SHIT TO LEAVE NOW!"
Darle had a look of disbelief on his face. "I beg your pardon?" Cleo looked at Darle. "He broke into my den." Codey walked up and grabbed Cleo by the neck. "YOUR GANNA DIE! YOU DUM SHIT!" Darle hit Codey hard and knocked him on the ground and started beating him, Cleo got up and helped Darle. "YOU THINK YOUR BETTER ME?" Codey asked. Darle roared loudly. "I AM BETTER WAY BETTER THAN ANY OF YOU COULD POSSIBLY BE!" He glared at all of them "Is there a problem with that? because if there is I will kill you, and I mean it this time!" No one said anything. "Good, that's what I thought" Then Darle got up and started flying away, and Codey got up. "YEA FLY AWAY YOU BIG COWERED!!"
Darle turned around and landed in front of Codey once more. "Excuse me?"
"Oh, I wasn't talking about you."
"Ok..." Darle turned to leave again. "THAT'S RIGHT GET OUT STUPID SHIT!" Darle snapped around again. "That's it, I will put up with this no longer!" Darle ripped Codey's Stomach open and pulled his guts out in front of everyone, Fredrick heard Scarlet gasp right beside him he hadn't noticed her come to sit beside him. "Oh, Fredrick what have you done.." Codey fell to the ground his face in his a pool of his own blood, Darle grunted. "Let that be a lesson to all of you, no one is better than me, got it?" The whole camp was quiet as everyone was in shock. "Good"
Darle turned and glared at the other shinies that were in Codey's group. "You guys clean up this mess now, because your rank is the lowest in this whole camp right now, if anyone asks you to do something you have to do it, or you will answer to me!" Then he flew away Fredrick sighed. "I'm sorry Scarlet, I didn't think Codey was gonna die over it." Zack laughed "It was his fault, he didn't want to listen to anyone, so he kinda got what he asked for." Richard got back. "Zack is right he could have lived if he wanted to, Darle even warned him, but he was so full of himself he didn't want to listen." Fredrick sighed and went inside the den. "Good night Zack"
"Ok, good night Fredrick see you tomorrow."
Scarlet came inside and sat down with Fredrick she looked sad. "What's wrong Scarlet, I said I'm sorry." She shook her head "It's not that. Codey did ask for it, it's just seeing someone die so harshly and thinking about my vision." She started crying.  "I don't want to die!" Fredrick hugged her. "Don't cry it will be fine." She pushed him away. "No it won't be! Fredrick, we got to get out of here! I don't want to be here when the battle hits."
"What?... But we have to Denny, Shawn, plus Darle will kill us."
"Ya, but I'm gonna die if we stay here!"
"Well I'll teach you how to swim"
"How? your a fire type you can't!"
"Scarlet your freaking out."
"You would be too if you saw yourself die!" She snapped. Fredrick sighed "Ok, but if we're gonna do this we have to plan it out carefully."
"No, you won't because you're not going anywhere!" Richard growled
He looked at Scarlet "I overheard your problem, you should have told me I'm your dad!"
Scarlet was wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry, I don't want too many Pokemon to know about it."
"It's ok Scarlet a vision can be changed if we play it out safely I will be with you when the battle falls I won't let anything happen to you, I lost Julie, and I won't lose any of my kids next!"
She sighed. "OK," She lay down.
Fredrick felt bad for her. 'Poor Scarlet no one should see visions like that, no one should ever know when they are going to die.

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