Chapter 65 the cursed umbreon

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny had left the cave after Anthony passed out.
Charlie was waiting outside.
"That took long enough where is he?"
"Still passed out inside, come on now let's go we need to get back to camp so we can prepare for another attack on Fredrick."
Charlie nodded "Is he going to be ok?"
Denny shot him a glare "Of course not he's cursed, and he's going to die along with the rest of them."
Charlie looked taken aback "What? You don't care about your son?"
Denny hissed "We talked about this already!"
Charlie got in front of him "That's like if I suddenly wanted you dead."
"Charlie your not my real father
and I'm the one who killed Richard because he sided with Darle."
Charlie frowned "I guess that's true and I suppose he still has Fredrick."
Denny gritted his teeth "He wants nothing to do with him, not anymore because he lied to him."
Charlie sighed "Let's just focus on getting home."
"Thank you, Charlie."


Anthony's P.O.V

After a few hours went by the shiny Umbreon blinked open his eyes and got up.
'Am I cursed? I don't feel any different.' Anthony made his way outside wanting to get out of this creepy cave as soon as he reached the exit he heard a voice call him.
"Why hello, there Anthony."
He paused to see a shiny Ninetails standing out in the sunshine "Who are you? And how do you know my name?."
He demanded.
The Ninetails smirked.
"I know a lot of things I'm sure in time we'll be good friends.."
He vanished in mid-air.
Anthony was dumbfounded as he stared at the space where he vanished.
'Am I crazy? What the heck just happened?'
Then he saw a Leafeon walking by "Hey."
Anthony called running up to him.
Right away the leafeon looked scared "Wha!... stay away from me!" Anthony was taken aback
"What?... But I did 't do anything."
The Leafeon sprinted off in fear leaving the shiny Umbreon alone in confusion.
'What was his problem?... do I look scary or something?'
Then he walked over to the river to see his reflection in the water and gasped in shock.
"My eyes, their red?.. why?.."
"It's because you're cursed, Anthony."
He turned to see the shiny Nintails again
"Your father led you to us you have great power, but it runs on negative energy because it's evil." He said with a smirk that made the Umbreon shiver "No... you are not here go away! Leave me alone!"
"I will always be with you."
Anthony felt scared and went running through the forest.
"Why are you looking for him?... Fredrick lied to you he only deserves to die..."
Anthony closed his eyes feeling a deep wave of depression then suddenly to his shock
a wave of black aura shot out of him and killed the grass and plants around him.
'What the heck did I just do?!'
"That's right if you find him you'll only kill him, why don't you do that?"
Anthony yelled, "Shut up!"
"Hehe, it would make your father proud of you."
"He is not my father, Fredrick is!"
"Hahaha, no Fredrick lied to you... they both did no one cares about you, You should just kill them both."
Anthonys' eyes flashed open.
"No, it's Denny's fault! He did this to me!."
He never felt so betrayed 'Fredrick was right about him I should have listened, but he lied to me. How was I supposed to know who to trust?'
As much as the shiny Umbreon wanted to go home he still couldn't get over the fact that Fredrick lied to him.
He sighed remembering what Denny said.
"Your a danger to anyone around you..."
'Going home isn't an option, I'll just put others in trouble because of me.'
Then feeling angry 'im going to find Denny he ruined me and now I'm going to get him back!'
The shiny Umbreon padded back toward Denny's camp.
"I'm going to make you wish you never cursed me, Denny!"

Fredrick's P.O.V.

Fredrick and the others had followed the trail only to lose it at a cave entrance.
Fredrick hesitated "You don't suppose he's in there do you?" Kyle found "I think we should split up and look for him. I and Roary will search the cave, maybe you Lupin and Jennifer should go see if you can find any other traces."
Fredrick nodded and led the way.
"Don't worry Fredrick we'll find him."
Lupin was reassured but Fredrick couldn't help feeling guilty and worried.
Jennifer nudged him.
"Fredrick, I'm sorry..." The shiny Flareon looked up in surprise.
"For what?, this is my fault you kept telling me I had to tell him, I should have listened.."
She frowned "I put all the pressure on you and it wasn't fair of me to do that. Look we're in this together, we both should have done it but instead, I kept putting all the pressure on your shoulders I'm sorry." Fredrick moved closer to her.
"Hey, it's ok Jennifer don't start blaming yourself... let's just Focus on finding him
hey, Lupin pick anything up yet?."
Fredrick felt puzzled when there was no response Jennifer looked annoyed as they both realized the Mightyena was gone.
" hu? Where did he go?" Fredrick was dumbfounded for a bit.
"Wasn't he just with us?"
Jennifer hissed with annoyance.
"Great now he's lost also just what we need he must have wandered off while we were in Conversation."
Then he picked up the familiar scent.
and he felt himself snarl with rage "Denny! He's near!" Without thinking Fredrjck dashed off Straight towards him."
"Fredrick wait!" Jennifer yelled but too late Fredrick barrelled himself right into the Vaporeon taking him by surprise.
He yelled as he pinned the Vaporeon down feeling so much rage burning through him.
"Fredrick, look how the tables have turned."
He mocked right away and Charlie snicked "What a Pleasant surprise to see you, Fredrick."
Fredrick snaped his glare at the Jolteon "Shut your ugly face now! No one likes you!."
At that, Denny slipped under Fredrick's paws and got up fast Fredrick dogged him before the Vaporeon could get his advantage.
Fredrick snarled again "ANSWER ME NOW!"
Jennifer looked just as mad.
"You killed him didn't you!"
Denny rolled his eyes "What concern is it of yours? He's my son."
"Yeaaaa!" Charlie sneered in a very irritating voice, pissing Fredrick off more.
"Ok here's the deal he's none of your concern anymore because this is where you die."
Fredrick narrowed his eyes wanting to shred the dum look off of Charlie's smug face.
"Who to say I'm the one whos going to die here." He growled Denny smiled "Hahaha I think you're forgetting the fact Fredrick." he held Fredrick's gaze "That water, beats fire."
"Yes, I know you gave up being a Glaceon and how sad it is you never even gotten your satisfaction of killing me yet and trust me you're not about to get that justice now either how embarrassed you must be by now, how long have you been hunting me now? You just can't let things go can you?" Jennifer nudged him "That's enough Fredrick..."
Denny yelled with rage "ERRRRR!" as he lunged at Fredrick the Flareon ducked in time Denny flew right over him missing then suddenly he was knocked down by Charlie Fredrick started wrestling with him.
"Jennifer you take care of Denny!"
She looked shocked as Denny got up and turned towards her fast.
Jennifer growled enraged as Denny spoke.
"Oh, I think that's a great idea Fredrick you're going to lose another man you love!." Her fur bristled in anger "Oh yea just Assume I'm going to be easy!" She used to freeze dry which was super effective then Fredrick heard a familiar voice and turned to see Roary, Lupin and Kyke coming to join the fight.
Denny growled, "Come on Charlie let's bail!."
He gave a hateful look towards Fredrick "When I get you I'll see that you suffer you got a lot of nerve-stealing my son and thinking I wouldn't notice!" Then they ran off Roary hissed with frustration "No don't let him get away again!"
Fredrick grunted, "I'm more concerned about finding Anthony right now besides what if there's an ambush waiting?."
Roary got mad "Well he's not with Denny that part is clear and it would have been nice to end it already." Jennifer sighed "Well we should go before he tells his army to come after us."
Fredrick nodded and they left Continuing the search for Anthony.

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