Chapter 9 A Unnecessary Battle

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Fredrick woke up, back inside his den with Scarlet. "Umm.. what happened?" He asked
Richard walked up to him. "Good, Your both up" Scarlet lifted her head. "Did I pass out?" She asked. "Yeah," Richard replied. "Cleo did this, and I'm gonna get him for that!!" Then Paw steps were heard heading towards them. "Ah great! what now!" Richard growled, "I'm not letting Cleo take you away for the Second time!"
Then Erand approached. The shiny Absol stopped and glared at Richard. "So it's you again? What do you want?" Richard asked.
Erand growled. "I came here to tell you that I don't like you!" Richard scoffs. "Haha well guess what I don't like you either, now beat it!"
"Oh, no Richard trust me no Mon wants to get on my bad side, and I'll show you why"
Richard snorted "Well too bad because I am on your bad side and frankly I don't care." Scarlet turned her gaze on the Absol. "Why do you hate us? Is it because our two brothers got away?" Fredrick growled, "Your upset just because you didn't get to see them die? That's a horrible reason to pick on us!"
Erand's fur bristled showing his anger. "That's exactly why! You ruined my one chance to gain power, now Darle doesn't trust me and that's all your fault! I will make you pay." Richard stalked right up to Erand until he was standing face-to-face with him. "Well, I'm not scared of the likes of you, you are nothing but a scrawny wimp that's what I think" He sneered in a threatening way. "Go on, attack me I dare you" Richard challenged. "Who are you calling a wimp? The only wimps I see are your two kids and I hope they die shiny or not"
Fredrick could feel his anger beginning to burn inside of him. He was not a cowered and he would show Erand that he was wrong to think that. He ran towards the Absol refusing to hold back. "We are no wimps and I'll prove it!" Fredrick declared as he jumped at Erand and used a swift attack. Richard laughed with amusement. "Haha serves you right" Erand got back up looking stunned at first, before it turned to a look of outrage. He towered over Frederick barring his fangs at him.
"How dare you attack me! Now it's time I show you what happens next you little brat!"
He dashed at Fredrick and used a night slash. "Ahh!" Fredrick got knocked down and Erand pinned him down. "Ha, you think you stand a chance? Foolish little Eevee you are no match for me!" Scarlet jumped onto Erand's back and used bite. "Get off of my brother you jerk!" Then she used a swift attack Erand began to shake his body  and manage to shake her off.
He turned towards her, Richard was just sitting where he was watching them. His eyes glowing with interest. Erand had a look of pure hatered in his green eyes "There is no way I'm gonna get beat by a bunch of Eevees!" Fredrick got back up and used a sand attack kicking sand up in right Erand's face. "Raaa! My eyes!" While Erand was wiping his eyes with his paws Scarlet charged at him and used scratch. Erand stumbled backwards but managed to stay on his paws, he opened his eyes, and they were red from the sand. "Gerr why you little peace of shit I'll kill you!" He used Shadow claw on her but Scarlet was quick and she dodged it, Then she ran up for a quick attack but Erand was also fast and he dodged it, Then he turned towards Fredrick and ran up really fast towards him using a quick attack. Fredrick was taken by surprise. He fell as he got hit then Erand stood on top of him "Now you'll see what a real move is!" Erand started forming a Shadow ball, then Scarlet ran up using a swift attack but Erand didn't move, he just took the hits as if it was nothing then the Shadow ball hit Fredrick. Hitting him with such force he yelped as he rolled across the ground from the impact of the move. "Now time to finish you!" Erand was slowly approaching Fredrick.
Fredrick was trying to get up but it hurt every time he tried to move. Scarlet jumped in front of him "You have to go through me first!"
She spat. "Very well then so be it, You little Eevees will learn the hard way what happens when you challenge someone as strong as me"
Richard grunted. "Don't worry Scarlet you can take him, I'm close by if something happens"
Erand laughed "Still need daddy's help hu? What a shame" Richard growled but didn't say anything. Erand used a night slash and hit Scarlet, she screeched in pain and fell face down on the grass. Erand was right in front of her "Ha you're making this way too fun"
He put one paw on her "Now let's finish this shall we?" Fredrick turned his head over and gave Richard a pleading look, then Richard got up but before he could reach them Scarlet started glowing white. Erand backed off of her. "What the hell?!" Fredrick stood up and watched.
"What's happening?" He asked. Richard looked proud. "She's evolving!" He answered in an excited voice. Scarlet glowed brighter and grew taller and her shape changed then the brightness cleared away, and she stood there with a new appearance as a shiny Espeon. Fredrick felt happy for her "Great job Scarlet you evolved!"
Erand laughed "Ha! Really? An Espeon? In case you didn't notice I'm a dark type you just made this easier for me!" Erand used a dark place but Scarlet avoided it and started glowing getting ready to use a dazzling gleam, Erand looked shocked by it. "What! How did you learn that so fast?" She didn't answer, and it hit him blowing Erand over Scarlet stood over him and smirked at him. "It looks like we beat you after all" Richard walked up "Do you give in Erand?"
Erand looked at Richard with a mean glare and growled. "What kind of a stupid question is that?" Scarlet finished him off with another dazzling gleam attack. Richard smiled at her. "Good job Scarlet I'm very proud of you" Then he turned and looked at Fredrick "You fought well too, I'm proud of you both"
"Hmm, yes but they had to work together to take him down" Came another voice
Then Cleo walked out from behind a pile of rocks "I watched the whole thing, I'm very impressed but next time I think you should do a one-on-one battle" Richard growled "You were spying on us?"
Cleo shook his head "Only the battle part, but I gotta say that was an unfair battle one of you alone would never have stood a chance"
Richard walked to up Cleo. "What are you here for?" Cleo smiled "Sorry to say friend but it's time for their battle training" Richard growled "We're not friends, and it looks like you're gonna have to take me down again." Cleo frowned. "It's not always gonna be like this? is it?" Richard growled "Yes it is, I'm their father I do the training around here" Scarlet walked up "But I already evolved and Fredrick just needs a firestone, why do we have to train?" She questioned and Cleo glared at her. "Do you know how to use any psychic attacks?" Scarlet sighed "Oh, I guess not but I can do dazzling gleam."
"Yes and I saw that dear, great defence, but that's not your type" Fredrick walked up. "What about me?" He asked Cleo to meet his gaze "I got you covered don't worry" He winked at Fredrick.
Richard growled "Fine you can train them but I want in, I'll only let you take them as long as I can be there to help"
Cleo smiled "You are Luckey I'm a nice guy Richard otherwise I would have gotten Darle to take care of you, but if you want to come I'm fine with that" Then Cleo padded towards the entrance, and they all followed him.
Cleo paused. "Fredrick come with me, You guys wait here for us to come back" Richard jumped in front of Fredrick. "Where do you think you're taking him?" He demanded  "To my den for a sec, I just want a word with him" Richard stepped aside "If I find one scratch on him you're dead"
Cleo padded towards his den close to the middle of camp Fredrick followed, and Darle was sitting in a big tree close by watching "Cleo" he called Cleo stopped and bowed his head "Yes master" 
"I'm leaving you in charge while I'm out, There've been some unwelcome Pokemon spotted in my forest, and I must act quickly" Then he flew off
Fredrick dropped his ears "Oh those poor Pokemon, they won't even see it coming" Cleo growled "Sooner or later you will see things our way, this forest belongs to us shinies."
Cleo walked over to his den "OK come in Fredrick, you know I don't just let anyone in my den" Fredrick walked in and dropped his mouth There was Pokemon fur almost everywhere.
"You kill and take other mon's pelts?"
"Hmm, why not? Don't you know we are Arceus's true blessings in life? Shinies can do whatever they want"
"But this isn't right Don't you think that's a bit cruel?.. or selfish even?" Fredrick asked. "Hmm well I guess I'm both then" Fredrick's fur bristled "I hate it here! I'm never gonna be like you, that's awful."
"Well that's no way to talk to me after I got you something nice" Fredrick looked. Cleo had a whole Storage full of evolution stones. "I collect these just in case we get mons that might need these to evolve with, you see I also needed a firestone to become a Ninetales" Then he pulled out a firestone. "Go on touch it, I saw you fight with your sister and your ready" Fredrick felt excited. 'This is it I'm gonna be a Flareon!
Fredrick placed his paw on the stone, it felt hot Fredrick could feel the strong heat flowing inside of him, and then he saw himself glowing, In a flash, he felt himself grow taller and he stopped glowing. Cleo smiled "Beautiful you went from silver Eevee to Golden Flareon, now let's go impress your father and sister"
Fredrick ran out of Cloe's den and charged across the camp to where Scarlet and Richard were waiting for them.
"Scarlet, Dad!" he called feeling excited as ever. Richard turned around fast. "What's wrong?" Then he froze when he saw Fredrick's new appearance. Scarlet jumped up with excitement. "You're a Flareon now! Wow look at you, you're so fluffy!" Fredrick was feeling really good about himself "Yup! I'm fireproof now!" Richard smiled at him. "A Flareon suits you Fredrick I'm very proud to see you both evolve on the same day"
Cleo finally caught up. "OK, now don't get too excited now or you'll cause this whole place to overheat" he joked. "Ah, Good now that you've both evolved, onto battle training." Then Cleo led the way out of camp and into the forest.

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