Chapter 18 A Long Journey

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Shawn's P.O.V.

Shawn woke up on lying flat on the ground next to Charlie he got up and looked around. "Where? How did I get here?" They were in a forest.
Shawn was feeling frustrated. 'How dare Denny, what right does he think he has to just knock me out and drag me to who knows where? Charlie got up. "Wa.. did we win?" Shawn felt worried. "Umm, where's Denny? You guys did beat Ray right?" Charlie shook his head. "I didn't, I lost."
"What? Oh no! What if he ate Denny!" Shawn got up filled with panic. "Jeeze Shawn calm down, if he did eat Denny, don't you think he would have eaten us too?" Shawn was looking around desperately to find him. "Shawn how do you think we ended up here hu? Denny had to have brought us here Ray sure wouldn't have."
Charlie sighed. "No offence Shawn but you are very annoying to be around sometimes." Shawn stopped then glared at him. "Well, I'm gonna find him!" A Zoroark walked out from the bushes.
"Hi there!" He had a grin on his face. Shawn growled, "Who are you?"
"Let's just say maybe you should mind your own business OK." Charlie looked puzzled "You're the one who stuck your nose in our business stranger."
"Ha you guys are pathetic, so you're the ones Denny told me about?" Shawn glared at him. "What? you were talking to my brother?"
"Oh, you're his brother? I didn't see coming." He laughed. Denny finally appeared. "Hey, Denny what's the idea with this guy?" Charlie asked.
"Haha I have a name please call me Zeta if you don't mind." Shawn glared at him. "Well, Zeta I think it's time for you to go now!" Denny walked up to him. "Shawn the whole idea of this plan was to find Pokemon to join us in the battle, and that's just what I'm doing so don't complain."
"But does it have to be this guy? He doesn't seem like a very nice guy."
Charlie walked up to Zeta. "Have you ever met Darle before?" Zeta shook his head. "No, but I have come across some bad shiny Pokemon before, and I think Denny made a very interesting point when I heard his story."
Shawn rolled his eyes feeling very annoyed with Zeta already then he asked. "Hey Zeta have you ever killed anyone before?" He laughed "Oh, haha hehe Shawn you are so funny, it's obvious to me that you haven't." Shawn tilted his head. "And that's supposed to be bad of me?" Denny tried to change the subject. "Let's just carry on, to the next Legendary OK." Shawn was shocked.
"What?!, Denny can I talk to you for a Second?"
Denny growled "Fine!" They walked away together. "Be back in a sec." Denny called and once they were alone Denny looked at Shawn. "What?" He asked, "OK I don't know where to even start, why are you inviting a psycho to come with us?" Denny frowned. "Umm, how do you know he's a psycho? you just met him, Shawn."
Shawn gritted his teeth together with frustration "Because I get a bad vibe around him I don't trust him, and I don't think you should either Denny he's a killer." Denny shook his head. "Shawn, is it all that bad to kill just once in a while?" Shawn felt his fur stiffen up at that. "What? You didn't just say that!" Denny gave him a cool look. "Well, sometimes others deserve it, like those shiny Pokemon in that forest." Shawn cut in as he didn't want to hear any more of what his brother was saying. "Stop right there Denny I disagree! you tell him to go or I'll go." Denny looked shocked "What? You can't be serious."
Shawn growled, "You heard me, it's him or me, what's it gonna be?" Denny's tail drooped he looked disappointed. "Oh come on Shawn this is a war, you do realize in war Pokemon are gonna be dying right? we're gonna be killing all the evil ones or they will kill us!"
"But does he know that?" Shawn asked Denny rolled his eyes. "Um due, of course, he knows, that's why he's here" Shawn got up. "But does he know only to kill the evil ones? Not all of them deserve to die, Denny"
Denny walked up to Shawn. "Please Shawn trust me, I know what I'm doing, the good shines will be ok, and we'll get to see Dad, Fredrick and Scarlet again I promise" Shawn sighed. "Ugh fine." He looked at Denny. "I trust you"
He grumbled. Denny smiled "Good now let's get back to them." Shawn followed Denny
"Hey, Daniel where to next?"  Zeta asked Shawn glared at the Zoroark. "Umm, he goes by Denny."
He laughed "Ha what do you think Denny is short for?" He looked at Denny. "Are you sure this is your brother?" Charlie growled "Ok, now there's no reason to get all smart about it."
Denny glanced at Charlie. "I was thinking of going after Groudon and Kyogre next." Shawn frowned. "Do we have to?" Zeta gave Shawn a look. "What don't tell me you're scared are you?"
"Errr!" Shawn was getting mad "Ha of course not!"
"Okay good then shut up Umbreon" Charlie looked at Denny. "Ya I guess that sounds good I can take on Kyogre and you can beat Groudon."
Denny nodded. "Good thinking, let's go after Groudon next." Zeta jumped up "Oh! I know where he is, if we go now we could get there by sunset. Shawn swallowed nervously Zeta glared at him. "What was that?"
"Umm.. nothing." Shawn rolled his eyes
"Good now let's go, I will fight by your side Daniel you have my support"
They followed him. Shawn was walking in the back while Denny and Charlie were whispering to each other and laughing every now and then Shawn started feeling annoyed. 'Why is Denny acting weird lately? Feeling left out Shawn walked closer until he was near enough to hear what they were saying. "Haha I like the way you think Denny, You not like your selfish father at all"
Denny looked down. "yeah, I'm ashamed to call him my dad, I guess he thinks he deserved Juile just because he's a shiny" *Gasp* Shawn couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'does Denny see Charlie as his new dad?
Shawn couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed by that fact. 'What's gotten into Denny? surely he can't mean that.... Can he?
"When the battle comes I think I'm gonna go after him, I want my revenge." Denny nodded. "Go for it he's probably one of them by now."
Shawn didn't want to hear any more he fell back. 'They're planning to kill Dad!
Shawn felt sick as a few tears came out of his eyes. 'I can't believe Denny would betray Dad, after all, he's done for us! Shawn couldn't bite back his emotions he padded up and butted in the middle of them. "Umm, what if dad isn't evil?" He asked shooting Denny with a glare. The Vaporen shot him a look saying seriously? "So you've been eavesdropping great." He grumbled, "Excuse me?!" Shawn yelled then Zeta suddenly turned around and jumped on Shawn pinning him down. "Daniel should I kill him? is he giving you a hard time?" Shawn felt terrified and confused. "What?!, I knew you were crazy!" Shawn Screamed, "Get off of me! Help!!" Charlie ran over to them. "Let him go what are you doing?"
"This so-called brother of yours is getting all my nerves!" Denny looked worried as he shook his head. "No he's with us I don't want him dead, that's my brother!" Shawn got up and glared at Denny. "Why is this guy taking orders from you?"
Denny glared back at Shawn "He was just asking me, he's a friend that's all"
"How could you be friends with him? he just tried to kill me!" Charlie let out a long sigh. "Let's just calm down no one got hurt, so it's good."
Zeta growled and started leading again then Shawn walked beside Denny and Charlie. "So you're planning on killing Dad?" Shawn asked
Denny shook his head "No we're gonna save him unless he turns on us, then I'm gonna kill him."
Shawn glared at Charlie, the Jolteon sighed. "I'm still gonna go after him, I'm not gonna kill him, I just want to get revenge on him by beating him in a battle unless he is evil." Shawn looked at Denny "And you're ok with this?"
"Hey it's between Charlie and Richard I'm not gonna get in the way of that, I have my own plans for the battle." Shawn tilted his head to one side. "like what?" Denny looked at Shawn. "I want to be the one to kill Darle." Shawn held his gaze. "Oh, am I gonna be part of your plans? because I thought we were gonna do it together." Denny gave Shawn a hopeful look. "Only if you want to be." Shawn nodded. "Of course, I do, why wouldn't I?" Denny looked down at his paws for a moment seeming hesitant to answer. "I don't know, maybe it's because you kind of cowered."
Shawn replied. "Ok maybe you are a little right but Darle will get what he deserves, then I was thinking of finding Scarlet, and Fredrick right away." Denny looked at him with frustration in his eyes. "Why?"
"Hu? Because I want to fight with them, don't you?" Denny looked at Shawn. "I mean let's just focus on the battle, we will get the chance to see them after our victory, You're not gonna go running around looking for them are you?"
Shawn felt a little confused "I was planning to, I thought you and Fredrick were gonna fight beside each other?" Denny shook his head. "I just want Darle to die first." Shawn nodded his head "And I want to help you to kill Darle."
Denny looked at Shawn. "OK, Shawn, but no running off on me, I don't want you to back out on me." Shawn smiled. "Of course, I won't"
"Good, I can't wait to get our sweet justice!"
Shawn nodded "I can't wait to see our brother and sister again."
"Oh, I look forward to that too Shawn." Charlie padded up to them. "I don't mind backing you up when you guys fight Darle." Denny gave Charlie a thankful nod. "Thanks" Zeta stopped "We're here."
"What?" Shawn looked around. "But I thought he lived by a volcano or something." Zeta smiled. "I know someone who can get us there in no time. You guys wait here I'll be right back."
Shawn growled in a low voice. "Or it would be nice if you didn't come back at all." Zeta walked up to Shawn. "What was that?" Shawn backed away. "Oh, nothing, I didn't say anything."
"Ya, I didn't think so coward." Then he walked away. Shawn glanced at Denny. "How did you get him on your side anyway?"
Denny shrugged. "Let's just say I'm very convincing." Zeta returned with a Celebi and an Arcanine was carrying it, the Celebi was bleeding in his mouth. Shawn's mouth dropped open, Charlie looked at Denny, then looked back at the Celebi. Shawn growled at Charlie "Aren't you going to say something?" Charlie shook his head. "Umm, I think I like where this is going." Shawn gave Denny a look of shock. "Do you not see what's happening here!" Denny gave Shawn a weird look then turned away Shawn got frustrated. "Am I the only one seeing how wrong this is?" The Arcanine threw the Celebi was on the ground and looked at Denny.
"My name is Kevin, I'm a friend of Zeta's. I hear that you are having a war. With Shinies right?"
Denny nodded and Kevin snarled. "No one has ever beat Darle before what makes you think you can?" He growled and looked at Zeta. "I can't believe you're putting your trust in this Vaporeon, you will get killed, but hey at least I warned you." Denny walked up and growled, "I will kill Darle if it's the last thing I do!" Kevin laughed "Haha that's what a lot of Mons said before they died." Denny rolled his eyes. "You have got to be kidding me! that's sad all I have to do is put his tail out and he's dead." Kevin looked at Denny. "So you think you can beat him?" Denny nodded. "I will beat him, no shiny will stand a chance, I have legendaries to help me with the rest of them." Shawn frowned. "yeah, but just the evil ones." Kevin looked at Shawn. "I wanted Darle dead for a long time, he ruined my life, he took my mate away from me, and I haven't seen her ever since, I would be happy to finally free her, so we can be together again."
Charlie looked at him. "So join us, I know it's crazy, I didn't think I would ever have it in me to be a part of this, but Denny and Shawn are right I think we can beat Darle, the more Pokemon we have a better chance of victory." Kevin sighed. "Alright I'm in, I can't live the rest of my life without my love, I miss her." Shawn smiled. Maybe it is just Zeta who is crazy this guy doesn't seem so bad.
The Celebi got up. "Please let me go!"
He begged. Zeta clawed at him "Not till you send us to Groudon!" Shawn ran up. "Hey, you're hurting him!" Denny jumped on Shawn. "They're not gonna kill him, calm down." he snapped
Shawn watched helplessly as Kevin used a flamethrower making the Celebi yell as he was badly burned. Shawn closed his eyes he didn't want to see any more of this. The Celebi yelled. "OK, I'll do it! Please stop" Zeta grew a smile on his muzzle. "Good now hurry it up!" The Celebi used his teleport and they all ended up at the volcano. The Celebi tried to leave but Zeta grabbed him. "Oh no you don't, we need you to get back after we're done!" Denny looked at Shawn. "I think you should wait here while I go fight Groudon." Charlie got to his paws. "I know I'm an electric type but I'm gonna try anyways."
Kevin looked at Zeta. "I think I will wait here with Shawn and make sure this celebs don't take off on us." Zeta nodded. "Sounds good." Shawn walked up to Denny. "Please be careful." Denny met Shawn's worried graze. "I'm a water type don't worry I got this!" Charlie pawed at Denny "Well let's get this over with." then Zeta, Denny and Charlie all took off.
Shawn looked at Kevin feeling a bit scared. 'Is this a nice guy, or a bad guy? He was thinking
Kevin smiled at Shawn. "Don't be scared Umbreon I'm not all that bad, I mean I have my reasons." Shawn sat down. "How did you end up meeting Zeta?" He asked. "We grew up together, he's like a brother to me, but he has gotten into a lot of trouble lately, sometimes I don't approve, but I just stay out of it."
"Oh..." Shawn didn't know what else to say.
"You know your brother is something, usually I don't get involved with war, because I hate it, but Denny, there's something about him, I think he has the making of a hero, he's not even nervous not one bit, and this is a great battle we're dealing with, yet he has that confidence that he can beat Darle, I can see a lot of Pokemon following him into this war." Shawn felt a little puzzled. "You think he's a leader?"
"I know he is, he's the one working hard, and convincing others to follow him, just you watch a whole army will go into this battle and Denny will be the one leading it, I know a leader when I see one." Shawn felt happy. "And I will be right there beside him every step of the way."
"You are a very loyal brother, when it comes to battle loyalty is what matters the most, we have to trust one another if we're to beat Darle, and I believe in Denny." The Celebi looked up at them "You're not gonna kill me after are you?"
Kevin shook his head. "No, I'm sorry about beating on you, but we need this, and you are our only teleportation we have to get back."
Shawn felt bad for the Celebi, for forcing him against his own will. But I guess Kevin is right we do need to get out of here somehow.

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