Chapter 66 A Dangerous Umbreon

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Denny's P.O.V.

Denny was walking through the forest 'Hmmm I know where Fredrick is right now, he's too stupid to move this time he thinks just because he was able to fight us off that they're in the clear? Hehe oh, no brother no your gonna get what's coming to you.'
"Denny!" The Vaporeon turned to see Charlie running towards him "I was just spying on Fredrick, and Anthony is with them returning home."
Denny felt a little surprised.
'I mean I did suspect that the Umbreon would eventually return to Fredrick just not so soon' Denny grinned. "that's good, come on Charlie let's go make some new friends to help us."
The Jolteon nudged him "So what's the plan with Anthony?"
"You know I like to keep my actions a surprise but just wait this one is a good one and once I execute it there will be not one Pokemon who will ever trust a Shiny again."
'Once everyone sees it my way, we shall be rid of all shiny Pokemon for good!'

Anthony's P.O.V.

Anthony was tossing and turning in his sleep
having a bad dream.
The camp was very quiet everyone was gone.
'Where is everyone?.'
Then to his horror, he saw Fredrick lying lifelessly in a pool of his blood.
"No, no who did this!"
He ran to the Flareon's side "Please... Fredrick.."
Then a shadow fell over him he looked up to see Denny.
Pure hate overtook him.
"You!, you did this! you killed him!"
The Vaporeon had that same annoying smirk on his face. "no I didn't kill him, Anthony, you did thanks to you they all died."
Suddenly Anthony looked to see the dead bodies of the whole group.
Denny smiled "Well done son your the only one left." Anthony felt like screaming 'I didn't do this! I would never hurt Fredrick!'


Anthony woke up with a start breathing hard.
'It was just a dream thank Arceus, it was only a dream.' Not being able to go back to sleep the shiny Umbreon got up and padded out to see it was still nightfall.
He looked over towards Fredrick's den.
Then heaved a sigh of relief.
Then he walked through the waterfall and towards the camp entrance but then froze when he spotted the silhouette of a Jolteon nearby.
He felt a growl in his throat.
'Charlie.... what's he doing here?'
He padded towards him.
As he moved closer he could hear voices.
"All the shinies are planning to attack once their army is big enough we can't let that happen."
"Charlie!" Anthony yelled as he ran at him.
Charlie looked at him in shock.
A leafeon was sitting beside him.
He looked worried when he saw Anthony.
"Oh, hi Anthony you wouldn't attack family would you?"
He glared at the Jolteon in disbelief.
"What! Family?.... were you not even related!"
"Hehe well I did raise your father, so I think I count as your family." Anthony jumped at him pinning him down "What are you doing so close to our camp?!" He yelled the leafeon right away got scared and ran away.
Charlie looked worried "I...look I'm sorry. I wasn't going to do anything let me go you wouldn't kill me would you?"
Anthony was tempted to, he hated the Jolteon and remembered what Fredrick had told him about Charlie.
'But then am I any better than him if I do?' he thought better of it and got off of the Jolteon.
"Go on then get outta here, and don't come back!" He snarled  Charlie nodded then paused "You know Denny wants to head back to the ice mountains again it's where we live you won't see us again."
"Good but why am I having a hard time believing you?." He smiled "Oh it's the truth by Anthony." Then he sprinted off.
Anthony turned back and padded back into camp only to come face-to-face with Sparkle.
The shiny Mightyena was giving him a hard stare "And what were you up to just now?" Anthony was taken aback by the question.
'Had he been watching me?'
"I... I couldn't sleep.."
"Yea, and you just let Charlie go just now?"
"What else was I supposed to do? I couldn't just kill him, could I?"
Sparkle only grunted then walked away.
Anthony felt
uneasy as he noticed more Mons who were finally awake now were watching him Weavile and Ninetails
were whispering "he acts a lot like him... don't you think?."
"He's evil I can see it he's gonna end up exactly like him."
Those words struck him hard.
He turned toward them with a glare "Just because I'm cursed doesn't mean I'm evil!"
The Ninetals growled "Then why did you run off with Denny?."
"Because Fredrick lied to me! I didn't know I was gonna get cursed!" They both snickered and the Weavile sneered "You shouldn't be here your a danger to us all look at you not only do you take after your father but hold a dangerous power."
Anthony got mad and could feel a dark wave of energy overtake him next thing he knew he flew at the Weavile and pinned her down and tore at her flesh feeling blinded by rage.
Then suddenly he heard Fredrick's voice
"Anthony stop!" The shiny Umbreon froze and then felt his blood run cold the Weavile was badly injured and covered in blood he looked at his paws to see them soak with blood.
He stepped away feeling the eyes of everyone in camp.
"I... I don't know what came over me I didn't mean to." right away Sparkle snarled "Fredrick he almost killed her-" Fredrick cut him off "It's not his fault! She provoked him, he's cursed and can't control it."
The shiny Mightyena looked outraged "And we're all supposed to be ok with that? Fredrick, he's dangerous!" He yelled "No! He's not, we just need to trust him. No one had a problem with him before they knew who his real father was so why start now?"
Sparkle growled, "You just said he is cursed."
He nodded "Yes but that doesn't make him evil he can learn to control it."
The Mightyena snorted "Ummm I bet he already does control it." Anthony felt hurt.
'No one here trusts me maybe I don't belong here, maybe I am dangerous.'
Fredrick walked up to him "Come on, we need to talk."
Not saying anything he followed Fredrick away from the others.

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