chapter 1

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narrator P.O.V

Melissa Rowe waited at the window by her front door ever since elvis called back saying he was discharge from the army

"Melissa Why don't you have Judy come over? "Mrs Rowe asked wiping down the counter her brown hair tied in a tight bun showing off her diamond earrings.

"mama I'm waiting for Elvis he called me last night and said he was coming home! "Melissa said, pressing her face towards the glass window.

"Okay, just make sure you finish up your chorse." Mrs. Rowe sighed continue cleaning the kitchen.

after 2 hours of waiting by the door Melissa started to get worried. she read the papers of Elvis and this Priscilla girl they called her "the girl he left behind "

but once Melissa seen the black limo pull up she squealed and ran out the door there she saw Elvis and he picked her off her feet and kissed her face all around

"Melissa I'm so glad to see you!"Elvis said between kisses

"I missed you too!"Melissa beamed as Elvis put her down

Melissa grabbed Elvis's hand and led him in through the thresshold.

"Mama, Elvis is home from Germany!"Melissa ran through the house, with Elvis following behind trying his hardest too keep up.

"Oh Elvis, good to have you back"Mrs Rowe smiled hugging Elvis tightly.

"Well I'm glad to be back "Elvis replied.

"Are you gonna stay for dinner your welcomed to if you can. We'd love to have you of course. "Mrs Rowe asked.

"That would be very kind, thank you for inviting me. "Elvis generously replied.

"So how did the army life treat you" Melissa said as Elvis held her hand gently but melissa could feel the tingle generate though the both of them, they both noticed it.

"It was Okay they treated me like I was one of the guys, like I wasn't famous you know it was nice for once"Elvis said ignoring the same tingling sensation.

"Well I'm glad your home, I missed you terribly. "Melissa repeated again, snuggling her head between his shoulders.

"I missed you, you didn't know how much I missed you." Elvis replied kissing her forehead, holding her close.

"Daddy, Elvis is back"Melissa said as her Dad walked in the house dropping his suitcase by the front door.

"Good to see you back Elvis "Mr Rowe said as he sat down on the couch across from Elvis, Gripping the leather seat.

"Thank you sir, I'm glad to be back home. Its been a long time since I've been there. "Elvis said

"How was Germany anyway?"Mr Rowe said after along time of awkward silence.

"It was fine, Nothing like Memphis though also It's really cold It snows almost every day there. "Elvis caught a glimps of Melissa with a sparkle in her eye.

After dinner Elvis and Melissa walked out side hand in hand, hoping the night won't end.

"I don't want you to go. "Melissa cried as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Baby I'll be back tomorrow "Elvis chuckled while he smiled and he rubbed his hand against the back of her neck.

"Elvis.... I love you" Melissa blushed looking anywhere but Elvis's eyes.

"I love you Melissa, you have no idea. "Elvis took Melissa's face in his hand rubbing her cheeks gently. Then Elvis kissed Melissa with such passion it made them both week in the knees.

"Oh..."Melissa Touched her lips to keep herself from smiling.

"See you tomorrow"Elvis winked. He walked off into his limo and Melissa walked away smiling to herself.

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