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"gus please." i cried out, gripping the sheet covers as gus pulled my hair.

"what's my name." he groaned as he gripped my hair tighter making a scream leave my lips.

"fuck daddy, harder!" i screamed. he satisfied my needs and i came unraveled as his hands gripped my hips hard enough to leave bruises. i felt empty as he removed himself from me but then warm liquids were released onto my back.

"fuck." he whimpered. he left but returned with a towel and cleaned my back off.

"that was good tonight gus. call me again soon." i said collecting my things and dressing myself.

"dani." he sighed.

"gus not today." i mumbled.

"stay and smoke with me. you know i have gas baby." he offered.

"cut that baby shit out and i'll consider." i said.

i watched as peep rolled a blunt with such delicacy and remembered how rough he was with me. i love it though. not peep but just the sex. it was indescribable and the best feeling in the world.

"dani." peep shook me out of my thoughts. he handed me the blunt and watched me intensely.

"you're beautiful." he said, leaning down to press a kiss behind my ear. i jerked away.

"gustav." i warned.

"baby please." he said placing his hand on my face.

"i'm leaving." i said slipping on my vans.

"dani please don't leave me alone." gus said, he sounded so broken.

"goodbye peep." i mumbled and turned away.

i knew i was hurting him but i was saving myself. gus may seem like he feels for me but last time i fell for his games it almost killed me. not that he would've cared. i only stick around because i can't stay away.


"gus." i cried.

"get out!" he screamed.

"please gus, don't do this. let me stay. let me help you." i cried, reaching out for him.

"i don't love you danielle. i never will." he screamed.

i felt stiff. my body started shaking and i just fell to the floor. gus was throwing things all around the room and punching walls. he told me he didn't love me and i didn't know how to feel except broken. i never wanted to feel like this again.

"get the fuck out!" he screamed at me again

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"get the fuck out!" he screamed at me again. i collected my belongings and quickly made my way out.

*end flashback*

my heart ached as the memory flooded my brain. i reached my house and reminisced about when me and gustav first met. i couldn't believe my eyes when i spotted him in zumies. i was just a fan who wanted a picture and i ended up being his play thing. i felt warm tears fall from my eyes and started to get angry.

to Peepers🐣💔: i hate you.

from Peepers🐣💔: i'm coming over.

i screamed and grabbed my xanax out of my drawer and took some to stop my anxiety. i lied on my bed and waited for him to come in. he knew where i hid my spare key so he'd probably just walk in. numbness spread across my whole body but i still lied shaking on my bed with tears falling from my eyes.

"danielle." peep said. i could barely hear him.

"boo look at me." peep said but his voice echoed. i remembered his lyrics from "The Day I Finally Do It" and began to whisper them.

"if i OD then i'm going to hell." i mumbled with a grin on my face.

"dani what did you take." he said shaking me.

"xans." i whispered.

"how many?" he said sitting me up.

"enough to feel numb." i mumbled.

"peepers." i whined.

"what?" he said fed up.

"make me feel." i said pulling him into kiss me. his hand wrapped around my throat and i moaned.

"i'm sorry." he mumbled into the kiss.

"don't apologize just stay with me." i mumbled.

"forever." he mumbled. i lied on my back and he rested his head on my chest. his arms wrapped around me and he just fell asleep like that.


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i woke up and gus was still asleep in my arms. quiet snores fell from his lips and smiled at his innocence when he slept. he could never hurt me when he was asleep so it was my favorite time to be with him. although he ruined love for me i stuck with him because once you get with peep there's no going back.

"dani." he mumbled, my name sounding like heaven when it came from his lips.

"let me go so i can leave." he grumbled. that didn't last long.

"yea get the fuck out. i don't even care about you gus." i said pushing him out of my bed. i, in fact, cared about him but the pain made me mean.

he left without another word and i sat on my bed disappointed with my feelings. i hated him and his reactions. i wanted to leave him alone but, no matter how hard i tried, i could never do it.


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danibaby i'm just looking for pain

userr2233 iconic
bitchhi ew wtf. hoe.
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