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November 12th

November 12th

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b.rando.n angel<3

danibaby babyyyy<333
claud9 she's so cute :( miss u @danibaby
austin.777 love the puppy :)
justin.97 @danibaby ruined the picture of the puppy
b.rando.n @justin.97 shut up she's cute lol
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97 shut up she's cute lolview more comments

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danibaby he cut his hair off but still is just the cutest boy in town:)

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brandon and i talked after i go off the phone with gus last night. he told me how he felt and i told him gus would never be out of my life. there's no way i could push him out of my life when we made a child. i wanted gus to be in eli's life when he was sober and under control.

"baby." brandon said with a pout on his face.

"i want kisses." he said in a baby voice. i ran over to him and kissed all over his face.

"you're so cute." i said in a baby voice.

"no you're so cute." he said back. he repeated my actions by kissing all over my face.

"god you guys are so cringy." justin said.

"shush we're cute." i said, flipping off justin.

brandon and i spent most of the day at my house with my brothers. we all bonded and it was constant laughs. i had the best day i've had in the longest time until gus facetimed me. brandon's mood changed when he saw gus' name on my phone.

"hey where's my boy?" gus asked.

"he's asleep right now." i said.

"wake him up! i miss him."

"gus i just got him to go to sleep." i sighed.

"oh okay. well i'll call you tomorr-"

"gusssiieeee." a girl yelled.

"hang on arzaylea." he said. he looked annoyed by her.

"gus i have to go." i said.

"no wait please not yet. i miss your voice." he whined. brandon kissed my cheek to let gus know he was there.

"hey dickhead my nut has been there so hope u like the taste of it." gus yelled.

"gus cut it out!" i warned.

"no fuck him and his feelings." he laughed.

"brandon don't." i said before brandon opened his mouth.

"i'm gonna call you tomorrow. i love and miss you dani." he said and hung up.

"god he's so fucking ignorant." brandon said.

"let not do this right now brandon."

"i don't get why you answer his calls and shit. it's bad enough you won't block him but now you're answering his calls while we're together and when we aren't."

"yea i'm not arguing about this so if you're looking for an argument you might as well go home." i said getting up off the couch.

"really dani!?" he raised his voice.

"really brandon. i'm not repeating this argument. i'm tired of arguing about the same shit." i said walking to my room.

i sat alone in my room on my phone for about 20 minutes before brandon joined me. he got on the bed without saying anything and put his hand on my side. he kissed the back of my shoulder and spooned me.

"baby i'm sorry." he whispered.

"good." i said bluntly.

"are you mad at me still?" he said.

"no brandon." i sighed. i turned over to him and put my hand on his scruff.

"good." he said kissing me. we fell asleep shortly after.

November 13th

brandon and i woke up but i didn't hear eli at all. i looked frantically around the house until i found a note that said justin and austin took him to the park. brandon and i enjoyed the beginning of our day being intimate. then, we decided to go to the mall.

"baby are you ready yet." brandon whined.

"jesus brandon you're so impatient." i said.

"i'm ready let's go, you're driving." i said throwing him the keys.

once we got to the mall we went inside but i got recognized. it's weird to be the one in the relationship that gets recognized in public. we had a few of gus' fans run over and as for a picture. they asked about him and i told them we weren't together. they got quite upset when they realized i was with brandon.

not only were we bombarded by teenage girls paparazzi also found me. i didn't understand why i was getting this attention. i didn't deserve it. i didn't do anything but date lil peep and somehow i'm famous. i didn't like it. i wanted my normal non famous life back.

"danielle what's going on with you and lil peep!?" someone yelled. mall security was trying to get them out but they were forceful with questions.

"is this your new boyfriend?" cameras flashed in my face.

"what is your name sir?" people yelled.

"get back!" mall security yelled.

next thing i knew brandon threw me over his should and took off running. he found an exit and we searched for the car before anyone found us. there's absolutely no reason for this madness. me and gus are done. i don't see why i deserve all this publicity. my life will never be normal thanks to gus.

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