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when gus and i got back from the mall i stomped
off to the bathroom to take a bath. i felt stressed and i needed to destress before my baby boy gets stressed. i forgot a towel so i went to get one out of the hall closet and i overheard gus and smoke talking.

"do you really think it's yours?" smoke asked.

"well yea. dani hasn't been with anyone else. at least i don't think she has." gus said.

"i don't know, just be careful with that man. i mean dani is cool and all but you never know with girls these days. groupies and shit."

"i guess you're right. i'm upset with her right now but i'll talk to her about it later." gus said. he sounded disappointed but didn't defend me at all. i would never cheat on gus. anything i do sexually with anyone other than gus includes gus.

"i'm gonna go lay down , i feel like shit." gus said quietly.

i took that as 'get the fuck out of there before they realize you were listening'. i grabbed my towel and scurried to the bathroom before i got caught. when i closed the bathroom door i locked it and slid down the door. i stared straight in front of me for a solid 5 minutes just stuck in a trance. he really believed that i could've cheated on him.

"dani what are you doing?" tracy yelled, pulling me out of my trance.

"i'm about to take a bath, why?" i yelled back. my voice was shaky.

"just making sure you were okay. i saw the pictures and videos from the mall." he said. great, just fucking great.

"i'm fine." i yelled back.

i didn't hear anything else so i started up my bath water then began stripping. i felt like i had to bathe the thoughts away. i soaked in the bath but my mind was still going crazy. it's like no matter how hard i tried i could never get a chance to relax.

i sat in the tub for god knows how long. the water started to cool down so i took that as an indication that it was time to get out and face gus. i drawing the tub and wrapped myself in a towel. i grabbed my clothes and carried them to the room. when i reached the door i took a deep breath and opened it a bit until i heard that gus was on facetime with someone. i left it cracked to listen to the conversation. god i'm eavesdropping so much today.

"i'm scared she's cheating on me layla." i heard him say. layla as in toopoor? i hope to fucking god it's not.

"gus the best thing is to just talk to her about it. i mean if she loves you like she says she wouldn't do that right?" her voice confirmed my suspicions. my blood was boiling. i busted into the room with fire in my eyes.

"really gus?" i yelled.

"layla i gotta go." he said. he hung up before she said anything else.

"dani i-" he started.

"gus i really do not want to hear it right now." i said grabbing my clothes off the floor and throwing them in a duffle bag.

"dani just hear me out." he pleaded.

"gus i'm tired of 'hearing you out'! it's bad enough you think i'm cheating on you but now you're talking to your ex? maybe you're cheating on me! i'm staying with my brothers for a while and don't even think about following me. i need space right now, i'm too stressed out." i said.

"dani is that my baby?" he almost whispered.

"gus i haven't been with anyone else that you don't know about. but if you don't believe me that's fine." i put clothes on and walked out the front door.

i was driving to my brothers house when i got a text from liza that said 'hey dani, i know things are rough between you and gus right now but you're always welcome to come to my house. i know it's quite far but i have a little extra money to pay for a plane ticket. just let me know sweetheart<3'. god she was such an angel. i replied and said 'thank you so much liza. i can pay for half of the ticket if you need me to! i was going to stay with my brothers but i'm sure they're too busy to keep up with me lol'.

long story short she told me she'd pay for the whole ticket and i didn't have to worry about paying her back. so about 10 hours later i was back at liza's house. luckily i was wearing extra baggy clothes because i wasn't sure i wanted liza to know yet. maybe she already knew but just hasn't said anything yet.

"thank you again for letting me stay here." i said. she went in for a hug but i backed away. she'd feel my bump if she hugged me.

"sorry i just think i'm sick and i don't want to get you sick." i said smiling.

"aw sweetie. i hope my grandbaby isn't making you feel sick." she said. i choked and started coughing.

"how'd you-" i started.

"know? call it mother's intuition. so is it a boy or girl?" she said with a big smile on her face.

"it's a boy." i said. she placed a hand on my belly with a big smile.

"you know you look way better than i did when i was pregnant with gus." she laughed.

"that boy drained the energy right out of me."

"trust me, he does the same to me too." i laughed.

"so what the hell is going on? he called me upset but wouldn't tell me the whole story." she asked.

"we went to the mall today and some girl slapped me and spit on me and i fought her so he got mad about that, which was understandable. but then, when we got home he was talking to dylan and dylan asked if it was even his kid and he didn't even defend me." i said, "and then i walk into our room to find him on facetime with his ex girlfriend talking about me cheating."

"sweetie gus was right about fighting. you're carrying another human being in your belly." she said, "and as for him thinking you're cheating, you just have to be easy on him. he hasn't been very good with the ladies. the only girl that really stayed around was emma and he hasn't been the same since she passed. i think this break is good for you two."

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