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today eli is exactly a month old. it does not seem like it's been a month since i gave birth. it feels like it was just yesterday that gus was freaking out and rushing me to the hospital. now my baby is a month old and he's getting so chubby. claud got him a shirt that said little peanut and i think he looks so fucking cute in it.


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danibaby my little peanut <3

claud9 aw my baby ! he looks so cute in my onesie
tracyminajj nephew cute asfff
username22 yikes
daniismymom he's so fucking cute in crying.
gbcgbcgbc WE LOVE HIM!!!!
lilpeep my baby boy is getting so big😪
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"gus!" i yelled. i had got a text from a random number and they claimed to be my birth mom.

"yea baby?" he asked. i just handed him my phone.

"what the fuck?" he asked.

"what should i say?" i asked.

"does she want to meet?" gus asked.

"i don't know if i can do it." i said.

"i'll go with you. it'll be okay. tell her to meet us at the pizza place on 5th." gus said.

"gus i can't." i mumbled.

"baby yes you can. give her a chance and hear her side of the story." he said rubbing my back.

"i'm just scared. she abandoned me gus." i said.

"we can bring eli and i'll hold your hand the whole time." he said. i sighed and he kissed my forehead.

"okay." i said.

gus helped me get eli ready and he even helped me straighten my hair. he packed eli's diaper bag and helped get him in the truck. he drove because my nerves were making me shake. once we got there i just sat in the car for about 5 minutes before gus made me go in.

i saw an older woman with dirty blonde, almost brown hair and bright blue eyes. just like eli's eyes. although me and gus both had dark brown eyes eli had these vibrant blue eyes. i walked over to the table and she looked up with me with tired eyes.

"danielle?" she asked.

"yea." i said, refusing to make eye contact.

"who's this little guy?" she said.

"my son, elijah." i said coldly.

"honey sit down." she said.

i sat down and gus sat down with me. his hand was on my thigh the entire time. elijah started crying as soon as we set him down and i picked him up. she stared at eli and i saw a tear roll down her face.

"so do you want to know why i have you up for adoption?" she asked.

"i suppose." i mumbled.

"when i got pregnant with you, your father became very verbally abusive. he did not like the fact that i wouldn't get an abortion. we were high school sweethearts and i got pregnant right after we graduated. i guess he wasn't ready to settle down and have a family because when i had you he left. he was supporting us and i had no job. with no job and bills to pay and you i had no choice. i didn't want you to live the way i had to live. i gave you up for adoption if hopes you would've had a better life without me. i didn't give you up for adoption because i didn't want you danielle. i've thought about you every day since i gave you away. now i have a grandson and a son in law?" she said. i was bawling my eyes out.

"we're not married." gus answered for me.

"my mistake. but danielle honey i'm sorry i wasn't there for you like a mother is supposed to be. i would've loved to be a great mother to you but the truth is you wouldn't of had the best life." she said, placing her hand on my arm.

"i understand but it still hurts a lot. i missed out on a lot of things a mother is supposed to teach their daughters." i said.

"i know sweetie. i'm so sorry i couldn't be there for you. i wish i could've got to know you before now." she said.

eli started screaming so i excused myself and took him to the bathroom. eli and i spent about 10 minutes in the bathroom crying together. once i started crying eli stopped and grabbed my finger. it was like he was trying to comfort me. i fixed myself and walked back over to the table. gus and my mother were talking and laughing.

"yea he peed all down the front of me." gus said laughing.

"i remember danielle did that once. i turned around from grabbing a diaper and boom all down my pants." she laughed.

"you know i never got your name." gus said.

"cathleen but you can just call me cathy." she said smiling.

"gustav but you can just call me gus." he said shaking her hand.

"hey baby." gus said smiling at me.

"i think eli needs a nap." i said.

"alright cathleen. maybe we'll see you again." gus said

"oh please just call me cathy. i hope to see you and danielle again." she said smiling.

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