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"bexey what the fuck man!" peep yelled. i woke up and saw that peep had taken the covers off me and bexey.

"gus chill out." i said, calmly getting out of the bed and grabbing shorts and a hoodie off the ground.

"chill out?! are you kidding me dani?" he yelled throwing his hands up.

"you fuck other people and i'm not allowed to?" i said walking to my bathroom.

"that's not the point danielle." peep said standing behind me. i started brushing my teeth.

"what's wrong with you?" he screamed. i ignored him and continued brushing my teeth. when i finally finished i walked back out and bexey was gone. he probably didn't want peep to kill him.

"danielle stop fucking ignoring me!" he yelled.

"could you maybe like shut the fuck up? i have neighbors." i said calmly, turning the tv on and laying down.

"fuck your neighbors!" he yelled.

"fucking look at me dani." gus yelled again. his voice started to crack.

"why gus? so you can tell me i'm not allowed to fuck anyone else but i have to watch you do the same thing? i have to watch you post other bitches? is that it? no fuck you! get the fuck out of my house and don't fucking come back!" i screamed. i now got up and started pushing him.

"get out!" i screamed when he didn't move. i pounded on his chest until he grabbed my wrists tightly.

"stop now." he said. i got a hand free and slapped him in the face. he pushed me to the ground and i hit my head.

"dani i'm sorry i-"

"get out." i said getting off the floor.

"dani-" he tried again.

"i swear to god if you don't get out of my house right now i'm calling the police." i said grabbing my phone off the bed. he left without another word and i fell to the floor with tears streaming down my face.


i guess i fell asleep on the floor because that's where i woke up. my body ached and i had a horrible headache. i got up and looked at myself in the mirror. i looked the absolute worst. i turned around and saw a big bruise on my ass. my memories flooded with me and gus' argument.


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danibaby better off without you </3

user335 ^^^^
gbcbitch dani bby what happened! look at dms!!
fuckluv is this from the accident
kittycat i stg. i'm coming over rn.
username you're literally a drama queen
lilpeep i'm so sorry dani
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i sighed and texted cat. i told her to not come over because i needed to be alone. thankfully she understood and let me be on my own. about 15 minutes of crying on my couch i got a knock on my door. i figured cat decided to come over anyway. when i opened the door i was met with his dark brown eyes. they had horrible bags under them and he was pale white. i didn't know what to say. he went to hug me and i flinched.

"dani." he whimpered.

"gus please leave." i said. i was too exhausted to argue.

"i need you." he cried. he hugged me and i just let it happen.

"we're too toxic for each other gus." i said.

"i'm leaving. don't try to look for me. i need a break." i said. i was going to stay with my "brothers" for a few days until i got everything sorted away.

"let me lay with you one last time." he cried into my shoulder.

"gus." i said.

"please dani." he begged.

"fine." i said. he swooped me off my feet and laid me on the bed. he crawled on top of me and laid his head on my chest. i wasn't just hurting him, i was hurting myself. he wasn't just toxic for me i was toxic for him.

"gus i can't see you anymore." i said.

"i can change." he whispered.

"i don't believe in change gustav." i said. i ran my fingers through his hair.

"you don't have to, just believe in me." he said closing his eyes. within seconds he was asleep and i was alone with my thoughts.

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