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christmas was literally around the corner and i couldn't be more excited. i was excited about my brothers coming and staying at gus' and i was excited for gus to open the present i got him. it was a hatchet chain that he said he liked while we were in dallas. he didn't know but i snuck and bought it while we were there. i had already sent out claudine's present which was a teddy bear and a small dainty gold chain. she didn't like things very extravagant and she'd been complaining how she didn't have any simple necklaces.

next people on the list were bexey and tracy. i got bex a butterfly belt buckle i saw in the mall, it had bexey written all over it. very blingy which meant very bexey. i got tracy a flame hat, since he lost his favorite one on tour, and a free ticket to let him get anything he wanted tattooed on me. he'd been begging me for months to let him design a tattoo for me since i only have a small amount comparing to his. i got everyone else small little gift and gift cards because i wasn't quite sure what to get them.

"gus." i merrily yelled into the house.

"baby." he yelled running out from his room and hugging me like he hasn't seen me in days.

"i bought groceries." i said unable to drop the eggs and bread i was carrying in my hands to hug him.

"ouu my baby a wife!" he said taking the bags out of my hands. i laughed and grabbed the few other things and then i grabbed the one last surprise.

"babe what's with the big box?" he said.

"you'll find out as soon as everyone gets their asses out of their rooms." i said yelling the last part. one everyone was out of their hiding places i began my explanation.

"okay guys i've been begging you to get a christmas tree and you haven't so i bought one!" i yelled, a happy smile on my face.

"i also bought decorations!" i said, my smile faltered as i didn't see the same on anyone else.

"fine whatever. go back to your rooms. i'll do it myself." i said, crossing my arms and pulling the pieces of the tree out.

everyone scattered back to their rooms, even gus and i was left on the floor with the tree. i tried putting the pieces together and finally ended up giving up and pouring me a glass of spiked eggnog. i had about 3 or 4 of them before i went to gus' room seething.

"hey babes." he said scrolling through his phone.

"don't hey babes me." i said sternly, "i'm taking a shower."

"baby what's wrong." he said putting his phone down and sitting up.

"leave me alone gus." i mumbled grabbing some clothes. 

"did you finish the tree?" he asked.

"no." i said coldly.

"that's what this is about?" he said.

"i've never had a christmas tree." i blurted out. i left the room and went to the bathroom and locked the doors.

"stupid christmas." i mumbled, stepping into the scalding shower.

i stayed in the shower for about 30 minutes until the water started to run cold. i sighed and dried myself off. i mentally prepared myself to put up the stuff for the tree and get black out drunk. i wrapped my hair up in my towel and went downstairs to see all my house mates arguing about where to place their ornaments. a smile stretched across my faces and i sat at the top of the stair, watching them place all the decorations on the tree. i finally worked the courage up to go down the stairs and hug gus, knowing he was all behind this.

"thank you." i whispered to him.

"anything for my boo." he said and kissed my forehead.

we spent another hour hanging lights and ornaments all over the tree and when we got finished it was a beautiful mess. i had always dreamed of having a christmas tree when i was younger but we barely even had a christmas. we all got socks and mittens and that was it. the foster house wasn't a very rich house so we couldn't afford a tree. i had finally found a family that would decorate a tree with me and that's why it hurt when they didn't want to decorate it.

"merry christmas dani." gus whispered in my ear while pressing his body against mine. his arms were wrapped around my body and his chin was atop my damp head of hair.

"merry christmas gus." i said tilting my head to look at him. i pecked his lips and everyone groaned at our coupleyness.

"i didn't think gus would get a serious girlfriend, let along be this clingy with her. you guys are like a married couple and it's like actually disgusting." smoke said.

"dylan you're just jealous you don't have a hot piece of ass like this." gus said, with a smirk i presume.

"that's all yours gus." he said and we laughed. this was it. this was my family.

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