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my due day is today. i couldn't believe my baby was going to be coming any day or minute now. as much i love my baby i hate being pregnant. i just want him out of me so i can hold him and love him. i'm going to have him so spoiled and he's gonna be the biggest mommy's boy.

"dani what are you doing?" gus asked.

"eating spicy food." i said dipping my fries in hot sauce.


"because i want my baby out."

"fair enough." gus said laughing.

i tried and tried for hours to induce labor and finally just gave up. i was tired and my feet hurt from standing. me and gus were laying in bed when i felt wetness under me. i felt and thought maybe i accidentally peed or something but it was a lot.

"gus." i said calmly.

"huh?" he said looking at me.

"i think my water just broke."

"what?!" he yelled. he shot up from the bed and started packing me clothes and grabbing the babies first outfit. he was running around like a mad man.

"gus calm down." i said, laughing.

it was like he couldn't hear me though. i got up,  walked to him and grabbed his shaking hand. he looked at me and i smiled at him then told him it was okay. he calmed down a bit but was still getting things ready.

it was about 1 in the morning and everyone was in their own rooms. i went to the bathroom and started fixing my hair and as i was changing my clothes i got my first contraction. i leaned on the sink and took a deep breath then finished changing. i hobbled to tracy's room and knocked on the door.

"come in!" he yelled.

"hey jazzy." i said, smiling.

"hey, what's up dani?" he asked.

"so i'm in labor." i said.

"oh nic- wait you're in labor? like the baby is coming now?" he asked

"yes he is." i laughed.

"holy shit!" he yelled.

"do you wanna come with us?" i asked

"holy shit yes!" he said. he put a hoodie on and slipped on his vans.

"gussie, tracy is coming with us." i said as i walked into the room.

gus had a huge duffel bag full of clothes and eli's diaper bag, packed. he said that was fine and i went to grab my toothbrush from the bathroom when bexey came out of his room.

"hey dani." he said.

"hey bex- fuck." i had a contraction in the middle of my sentence.

"what's wrong?" he asked, laughing.

"i'm in labor." i said, breathing heavy.

"oh shit!" he said.

"i would let you come too but i don't think they'll let 3 guys be back with me." i laughed.

"oh no, no offense but i don't wanna see that. it's scary." he said. i laughed and nodded.

"dani it's time to go!" gus said impatiently.

"gus no it's okay. chill out."

"my baby is coming!" he yelled.

"not yet, my contractions are still like 10 minutes apart." i said rolling my eyes.

"no let's go." he said.

"fine." i sighed. i was fucking scared.

gus dragged me out of the house and tracy carried the bags. tracy said he'd drive so me and gus could sit together in the back. my contractions were getting closer together. the hospital was about 15 minutes away and i had two contractions already.

gus rushed me inside and told the front desk lady i was in labor. they put me in a wheelchair and rolled me back to a room. both of my hands were held by tracy and gus. they both looked so co concerned and i knew they were about to turn ghost white when they saw birth.

"okay how far are your contractions?" the doctor asked.

"a few minutes apart. i haven't been counting." i said meekly.

"okay i'm just going to prop your legs up here and take a look to see how dilated you are." he said. i nodded and he propped my feet up and i could feel him looking inside of me.

"okay it looks like you're 6 centimeters dilated. it's not time to push now but i will send a nurse in to get you all hooked up. congratulations guys." he said. i smiled at him and he left the room.

"holy shit i'm about to have a child." gus said. i squeezed his hand in response.

my contractions were getting closer and closer together. but, as soon as they were 4 minutes apart they stayed 4 minutes apart for an hour. the nurse decided that i needed to get up and walk around to help. gus and tracy were close by the entire time i was being walked around. we did a lap or two around the hospital and once my contractions started getting closer the nurse wheeled me back to the room and prepared me to push.

"you're so beautiful." gus said. i had sweat dripping from my forehead and my hair was a mess. i probably looked the absolute worst.

"i love you." he said squeezing my hand. i felt pressure and i knew that it was time.

"okay danielle it's time to push." the nurse said. i was drugged out but i knew what that meant.

"okay on the count of three."



"three." i squeezed gus and tracy's hands and cried out.



"three." she said again. i pushed twice as hard as the first time.



"three." i screamed and pushed a third time. i was exhausted already.

"a couple more times danielle. you got this." the nurse said.

"one. two. three." she said again. i pushed again and squeezed the fuck out of gus and tracy's hands.

"you're doing so great baby." gus said.

"shut the fuck up." i yelled.

"get him out." i screamed. i pushed again and all i felt was a release of pressure and then screams of a baby. this was it. my baby boy is here. my baby elijah.

"congratulations guys." the nurse said placing my baby in my arms. i was bawling. this is my new life.

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