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tonight was the night i would meet my so called "biggest fan". that's what the boys called the girl dming me everyday. she had told me her name was  claudine. she also just texted me and told me what she was wearing so we could get pictures together. peeps first song on when a random girl ran up and hugged me.

"dani!" she yelled. i looked at her and her outfit and a big smile appeared on my face.

"claudine!" i said hugging her back.

"you're so beautiful." she said in awe.

"you too omg!" i said looking her up and down. she was hot, no doubt about it.

claudine and i talked and screamed the lyrics to gus' songs the whole show. the show was coming to an end and i could tell she was getting sad. i texted dylan and asked if he cared that she came with me on the bus and he said it was fine.

"claud follow me." i said as gus was saying bye to the crowd. i grabbed her hand and led her backstage to the snack room. she was freaking out when she saw gus when we were walking back.

"baby who's this?" he asked, putting his arm around me.

"this is claudine, my friend, she's gonna come on the bus with us." i said still holding her hand.

"aight let's go, i need a blunt." he said. he kept his arm around me and i kept my hand in hers.

"you good." i asked claudine.

"yea just a little star struck. who is all gonna be on the bus?" she asked.

"tracy, bexey, wicca, wiggy, fish, goth, coldly, horsehead, smoke, gus and me." i said. she got quiet again and i could tell she was just internally freaking out.

"i know. it's crazy how one minute you're watching them preform on stage and the next you're taking xanax and smoking with them. it's a lot to take in but if you ever get nervous or anything just squeeze my hand." i whispered to her. we finally got on the bus and everyone else had already gotten on.

"who's this?" bexey said looking her up and down.

"everyone this is claudine, or as you guys call her "my biggest fan". she's gonna be hanging out with us for tonight." i said. bexey licked his lips and i looked at him and shook my head.

"i'm be-" bexey started.

"i know bexey. i used to be in love with you. you're the reason i discovered gus." she said smiling shyly.

"okay enough talk. someone give me a blunt before i die." gus said rolling his eyes.

"and i need a bottle." i said looking at goth.

he brought me a bottle of crown and i took 5 or 6 good gulps and passed it to claudine. she took a few gulps and handed it to bexey. i snatched it out of his hands and told him to get his own. i then proceeded to drink more.

"do not give this to anyone." i said looking claudine in the eyes.

"yes ma'am." she said.

we all talked, laughed, smoked and drank until we were all fucked up. the drunker i got the more i wanted to take claudine to the back and have her sit on my face. she was standing in front of me while i was sitting down and i grabbed her hips then pulled her onto my lap. she was really giggly so she just laughed and stayed in position.

"yo gus get your girl!" dylan said laughing. i flipped
him off and wrapped my arms around claudine's waist.

"baby what are you doing?" gus laughed.

"guys leave her alone." claudine slurred and we both laughed.

she fell back on the couch and dragged me along with her so i fell on top of her. the boys all hollered when this happened. i rolled my eyes as i made eye contact with her. claudine propped herself up on her elbows and looked me into my eyes. i felt myself leaning in and i could hear the boys hollering but i ignore their chants. i placed my lips on her soft, plump ones and it became a make-out session quick. i saw gus in the corner of my eye cheering with the rest of the boys.

"gus, back room now!" i yelled and the hollering got louder.

i looked back down at claudine and her face was bright red. i got up then helped claudine up and led her to the back room while flipping off the guys. gus lied on the bed as i pushed claudine down with him. i beckoned him over and made our lips connect. claudine watched as gus ripped the clothing from my body.

the rest of the night was history. definitely one for the books. i got claudine's number before she left the next day and i thanked her for the fun. i couldn't be happier with the people i have around me and the people i have supporting me.

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