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claudine was here for a few days but couldn't stay for long because she couldn't get the time off work. we both cried when her flight was called. i kissed her goodbye and then it was just me and gus, which i didn't mind, but it was just so weird without her.  after claudine left gus and i went on a date. he took me to the cutest little restaurant and i died a little. if you couldn't tell neither of us are super romantic so
this was a step out of both of our comfort zones.

"baby you have to come see me preform tonight." he said smirking.

"i wouldn't miss it love." i replied.

so after that we went home and took a quick nap until it was time to get ready for the show. gus picked me out an outfit and i wasn't gonna lie, it was cute. i had a cropped gbc shirt on and of course the ripped jeans gus decided to draw all over. i grabbed my vans and gus' hand then we left. we got to the venue and it was hella people there which always made me happy. it made me happy to see all these people supporting what gus loves to do. the show was coming to an end when tracy and bexey dragged me on stage.

"this last song is for peep's girl! he worked really hard on it and i'm just gonna say it's a banger!" coldy shouted to the crowd and they all screamed.

"i just want see you smile. i just wanna make you mine." gus said coming out from the back. 

"we can spend time, smoke away the time. we can go anywhere you ever wanted." he sang first at the crowd then at me. the screams got louder as he looked me in the eyes.

"anything you ever dreamed. i can make your dreams come true." he sang. tears welled up in my eyes.

"i'll be on my own, no crew. out here makin these moves. singing these big city blues."

"i don't wanna think bout you. every time i think bout you, i swear i fall in love again. i remember everything you said. promise me it's real!" he sang and he got on one knee. i was bawling by this point.

"girl, i got a deal." he said regularly now.

"you could be my girl, if i could be your world." he sang.

"danielle, my love, my crybaby, my ghost girl, my hell girl. this isn't a proposal and i'm sorry if you thought it was, this is a promise. a promise for our future. a promise for forever. so do you promise?" he said. i nodded viciously and he slipped the promise ring onto my finger while coldy sang the rest of the song quietly.

"to gus and danielle!" coldy yelled. the crowd screamed and gus picked me up. he spun me around and planted a fat kiss on my lips.


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danibaby we promised <3 @lilpeep

claud9 IM SCREAMINggbbdbdhd CALL ME !!!!!
gbcgbcgbc YES YES YES YES
gothboyclick holy shit. this is a real thing. like gus is really in love. FUCK.
lilpeep i love you baby boooo<3
tracyminajj im so happy for u 2 💞
coldhart_ my dawgssss. y'all 2 cute <3
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after the whole ordeal we all went back to the house. i was about to give gus an appreciation gift for the promise ring. i led him to our room and pushed him down onto the bed. i got down on my knees and spread his legs. i began palming him through his jeans. i looked up at him and saw him staring down at me in a focused gaze. i unbuttoned his jeans and helped him slide them off his legs.

"baby." he said grabbing my hand when i grabbed the waistband on his boxers.

"it's a thank you." i said pulling off his boxers.

i grabbed his dick and licked a stripe up the side then swirled my tongue around the tip. he let a moan slip out and that encouraged me to freak his shit. i took him in my mouth as much as possible and moaned. he grabbed my hair and pushed me down further until i couldn't breathe at all. he released me and i gasped for air then smirked at him while wiping the slobber from my face. i kissed back up his naked chest and then pushed him back onto the bed. i crawled on top of him and he groaned as i sat my clothed butt on his bare dick.

"would you like a strip tease....daddy." i whispered i his ear.

he groaned in response and i made my way off of the bed. i grabbed the bottom of my shirt and smoothly pulled it over my head, swinging it around then throwing it at him with a giggle. next thing to come off we're my jeans. i undid them and turned around and bent over to give him a full view of my ass. once i turned around i could see him practically drooling and sliding his hand up and down his dick. i smirked and unclasped my bra, my boobs bounced with the freedom and finally i turned around and bent down to take off my underwear.

"you're so beautiful." he moaned.

i walked over to him in pure confidence and sat my naked body on his. i reached around and grabbed his dick then slipped it inside of me. i slowly took in his dick as it filled me up entirely. once i moved back up i winced in pain but forced myself back down again. seconds later i was practically twerking on his dick and we both were a mess of moans. gus grabbed my thighs and picked me up then walked me over to the nearest wall. his hands gripped my ass and mine stayed draped around his neck.

"i'm gonna fuck the life out of you princess." he growled. i knew i'd never be disappointed with gus so i let pleasure take over my body as he fucked me against that wall.

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