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i was dragged off to someone's room and i watched as 3 guys gathered in the room. i was pushed on a bed and i just started bawling my eyes out. the people didn't even say anything to me but i could hear faint yelling outside the door. a thrashing yelling peep was dragged into the room. he was held back by 2 big men but he was fighting against them.

"fuck you. let me go." he yelled. i went to run to him but i was pushed back on the bed.

"gus." i cried out. the room was pitch black.

"dani baby." diego said. he climbed on top of me and the lights were turned on.

"get off of her!" gus yelled. he ignored him and held my arms above my head then began to kiss my neck. i brought my knee up to his balls and he fell on me. his backup ran to me but he told them off.

"bitch." he said. he grabbed my throat tight then slapped me across the face causing a yelp to fall from my mouth. gus wouldn't stop yelling.

"shut him up!" diego ordered. gus was placed in a headlock and a hand was placed over his mouth.

diego flipped me over and grabbed a handful of my hair. he spit in my face and ripped off my crop top, he grabbed my breasts viciously. he let go of my hair and i tried to crawl away but he grabbed my ankles and pulled me back.

"bitch hold still." he said pulling out a pocket knife. this made gus start thrashing around and yelling through the hand on his face. 

diego ran the knife down each leg of my pants and pulled them off of me. he cut off my underwear as well and then grabbed my hair again. he laughed as he put the knife to my throat then his tongue dragged across my cheek.

"you like it rough, don't you you fucking slut." he chuckled as i whimpered. i heard his jeans unzip and i squirmed as i felt him push himself into me. 

"fuck." he moaned. i looked over to gus and i saw tears falling down his face.

"gus i love you." i cried. i received a smack to the face for that comment.

instead of whimpering and crying my body became limp and numb. i just lied there silent as diego forced himself inside of me. in return he became frustrated and dragged the knife across my cheek. i kept my body limp and eventually he pulled himself out of me. he zipped himself up and left the room. gus was thrown to the floor, kicked and spit on them everyone else followed diego.

"dani." gus groaned crawling on the bed. i lied still numb and limp. i couldn't move.

"dani baby look at me." gus cried. i kept quiet, i was in shock. he wrapped me in the comforter and pulled out his phone.

"nick come upstairs." gus was bawling. next thing i knew nick was carrying me out of the house to the car.

nick didn't ask what happened he just took me home. gus drove his car back to his house. once we pulled in the driveway i just got out of the car and walked straight to gus' room. i grabbed his bag of xanax and started stuffing them in my mouth until he busted in the room.

"what are you doing?" he yelled. i continued to swallow them until he slapped them out of my hand.

"leave me alone." i screamed. i had taken about 10 before gus took them away.

"dani how many did you take?" he yelled. i just laid on his bed closing my eyes.

"dani throw them up!" he screamed. i stayed in my position while gus continued to scream at me.

"hello? yes i need an ambulance. my girlfriend just swallowed a bunch of xanax and she won't throw them up. please hurry." i heard him say. gus grabbed me and shook me awake.

"danielle i swear to god. throw them up." he cried. i felt my stomach getting upset so i stumbled to the bathroom and instantly threw up as i got to the toilet. gus rushed in and held my hair back as i threw up.

"sir step back." a deep male voice yelled. i was put on a gurney and rolled out of the house. all i remember last was gus begging me to wake up and be okay.

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