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i woke up and gus was taking pictures of me and him cuddling. i smiled and stole his phone and started to take pictures of him. he tickled me and grabbed it back. he smiled as he scrolled through the pictures he took.

"post that one!" i said smiling really big.

"it shows your ass. no." he said.

"gus." i whined. he rolled his eyes and i watched him click the picture to post it on instagram.


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lilpeep my little angel, in your deepest darkest corners and i'm loving every angle👹🖤

gbcbitch A FAT ASSS. that's dani and i know it !!!
gothbitch peep just tell us it's dani. paparazzi already snitched on you.
lilpeepers lucky bitch
smokeasac YO GET DAT ASS.
user334 fuck her. layla's better.
tracyminajj my man growin up🤧
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gus and i decided to get ready to do something today. not too crazy just something casual where we could hang out and have fun. he was sitting in his underwear and a sweatshirt but wouldn't get up to put pants on. i pulled out my phone as he started laughing about something on his phone and i just started taking pictures of him. he looked so cute with his new haircut and his lil smile.


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danibaby loving you is like a fairytale. sex with you is like i'm dreaming ;).

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gus finally put pants on and we left. he wouldn't tell me where we were going but he was super excited about it. we pulled in the parking lot to a fair and i got excited as well. when gus got out he told me to hop on his back and when i did he took off running. i laughed hard for no reason as the wind hit my face.

gus and i ran around like little kids and had the time of our lives. we played a ton of fair games and he even won me a stuffed animal. i kept it safe like it was one of my prized possessions. it was a little chicken and he practically forced me to pick it.


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danibaby two posts in one day? wow i'm spamming today. but meet peepers. (i wanted the little cow but gus made me get this one.)

gbcbitch IM DYING. ITS SO CUTEBSBSHS. but fr look at dms. i'm tryna be your bff
gothboiclic no offense but i'd die for him
kittycat text me :( i miss you :/
username ugh stop posting.
lilpeep he is cuter than you😈
user223 bitch die. no one cares about you.
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i saw the comment by gbcbitch and finally went to my dms where i saw the messages from this person. they dmed me just about everyday and i didn't even realize it. i messaged them back finally.

hey x

HI :)
HOW R U ???

yea lol. i'm good. how r u??

100 times better now that
i get to text my friggen idol.

aw lol. idk y i'm ur idol but
i'm very honored. :)

umm bc ur like amazing??
but anyway, weird question?
well it's not really weird but
like are you and peep a thing
now? you don't have to like
answer or anything i just was
wondering bc all the posts.

gus and i have always
been "a thing." we don't
really do labels or anything
anymore bc it's like bad luck
for us. we don't really talk ab
it publicly and aren't very open
about it bc it causes too much bs.
i do love him very much and i'd
like to believe he loves me just
the same.

oh okay:) as long as gus
is happy i'm happy. i
don't get why everyone
gives you shit on insta all
the time. you're so sweet x.

it just comes with the lifestyle
i chose to live. dating a 'celebrity'
puts you in a position to get shit for
it by people who can't handle the
hey i'd love to text more but gus
is being whiny and wants to watch
sum stupid movie. ttyl x.

thanks so much for answering.
send me pics of gus tho!!


he says hi lol<3

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he says hi lol<3

i finally turned my phone off and cuddled up next to gus on the couch. he had turned on some show i didn't know the name of but i wasn't watching it. i was watching him and his reactions to the show. i looked up at gus and realized i was completely in love with him and no matter how hard i tried it would never go away.

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