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November 11th

i woke up to eli crying but brandon got up before i could. i've spent a lot of time with brandon and over the past two days i've got to know him a lot. people can call me crazy for letting this man around my son. but for some odd reason i actually trust him.

"good morning beautiful." he said kissing my forehead.

"morning." i said smiling.

he pecked me on the lips and smiled back at me. i stared at him comforting my son in complete awe. he shushed and bounced and i swear it was the cutest thing i've ever witnessed. for some reason guys with babies just makes my heart wanna explode.

"hey where's his formula?" brandon asked.

"i need to get up anyway. you can make us coffee." i said reaching for my baby. he handed him to me and we walked to the kitchen.

"wow you're up early." justin said.

"you already made coffee?" i asked.

"yeah. i figured you guys had a long night because i heard eli crying a lot." justin said.

"i didn't even hear him cry." i said looking at brandon.

"i didn't want to wake you, you looked so cute." he said kissing me.

"gross." austin's raspy voice said behind us.

"shut up." i said rolling my eyes.

"where's my nephew?" he asked. i turned around completely and handed eli to austin.

we all stood around and talked while eli drank his bottle. he was getting so big and it made me sad. before i know it he's going to be a year old. i don't want my baby boy to grow up.

"can you guys watch eli today?" i asked.

"hell yea!" austin said.

"thank you." i laughed.

brandon helped me get ready and we left for our date. things were moving really fast with brandon but i didn't really mind. he made me and everyone around me happy. he's really just this open book about everything. he was my peace.

"you look beautiful." he said.

"thank you." i said kissing him.

my phone rang as we were about to leave the house. i looked and saw gus' name and just ignored the call. i wasn't in the mood for his bullshit.

"peep?" brandon asked.

"yes." i said sighing.

"why don't you block him?" brandon said, i could tell he was annoyed.

"he's my baby's father brandon." i said.

"you act like he's gonna see eli any time soon. he's on tour." brandon said.

"he's still eli's dad, whether you like it or not. i'm not going to block my son's dad." i said getting in the car. he followed and was ready to continue the argument.

"eli doesn't need someone like him in his life danielle." brandon said.

"brandon i'm not arguing with you about this. i'm not blocking him, end of discussion."

"take me home."

"what?" i said looking at him.

"take me home now." he said.

i didn't argue with him about it anymore. i drove him to his house and he got out without another word. i just sat in front of his house in disbelief. i texted him and told him to come back out but he just left me on read. then i made the decision to call gus back and see what he wanted.

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