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November 10th

i woke up to brandon snuggled up to me and the internet losing it after i was seen making out with a "mystery guy". i hate the fame i've gained from being with gus. people called me a flour chaser and said i was only with him for the fame but i didn't care about that.

i sighed when i saw the pictures of brandon and i making out outside of the bar. i was just waiting for a text from gus losing his shit over this. i checked my messages but the only one was from bexey letting me know the tour started. he said they we're off to los vegas. he said gus wasn't doing very good and he was getting more worried.

"hey beautiful." brandon's raspy voice came from behind me.

"good morning." i said locking my phone and setting it back down.

"sleep good?" he asked. i nodded and he kissed my forehead.

"you stay right here. i'm going to bring you coffee and breakfast." he said.

"brandon i really have to get home to my son." i said.

"let's go pick him up and you both can hang out!" he said.

"i don't know." i said shyly. god he was perfect.

"come on!" he said. he handed me a pair of sweats and one of his shirts.

he let me drive my car to my brothers and talked about how excited he was the entire time. he made me laugh and not one of my thoughts was about gus. my heart didn't ache as bad as it used to. this direction was the best direction for me to be happy.

"austin, justin. i'm home!" i yelled.

"jesus finally. who's this?" austin said.

"this is brandon." i said.

"hi brandon. i'm austin." he said holding his hand out.

"aw come on now, bring it in." brandon said hugging austin.

"i like him." austin mouthed to me. i rolled my eyes.

"alright i'm having baby withdrawals. where is my son?" i said.

"right here." justin said holding a smiling eli.

"hi baby." i said smiling. i grabbed him from justin and faced brandon.

"hey little guy!" brandon said. eli reached out to brandon with a big smile on his face.

"go ahead." i said. brandon grabbed him and started tickling him causing eli to break out in a giggle fit.

"step dad material?" austin whispered.

"fuck off." i whispered back.

brandon, eli and i went to get breakfast and then went to the park. i had something i never would've had if i stayed with gus. sure he was a good father but he wasn't the family type and i should've seen it. i'm growing up and this is what i want.

brandon and i were pushing eli in the stroller when i got a call. it was gus so i stepped away and answered the call.

"hello?" i said.

"danielle." he said raspily. he had been crying.

"gus what do you want?" i sighed.

"who is he?" he cried.

"don't worry about it." i said bluntly.

"don't worry about it?! i have to see pictures of you guys everywhere! how am i supposed to not worry.  danielle he's around my fucking son i think i'm allowed to worry." he yelled. 

"i'm not arguing with you about this gus. just let me be happy for once." i said. i felt tears stinging my eyes.

"you can't tell me i never made you happy!" he cried.

"gus you made me happy but every single time you cheated on me and made me feel worthless isn't worth how many times you made me happy." i said.

"danielle i loved you more than anyone. i still love you more than anyone." he said.

"gus you don't know how much i want to believe you." i said. i broke and let a tear slip down my cheek.

"it's the truth." he said.

"goodbye gus." i said, hanging up.

"hey." brandon said. i quickly wiped the tears from my face and turned around.

"who was that?" he asked.

"oh uh on my phone?" i stuttered.

"no on your laptop. yes on your phone." he laughed.

"uh it was gus actually." i said.

"oh." is all he said.

"don't worry about it. it was nothing. he's just pissed i'm getting over him." i said. 

brandon was a nice guy. i've only known him for a very very short amount of time and he's treated me better than gus did. maybe this is it. maybe i've finally find someone who is good for me. next thing i know my phone is ringing again. i sigh when i see gus' name on my phone.

"can i answer it?" brandon asked. i just handed him my phone because i was tired of going back and forth with gus.

"hello?" he said.

"my names brandon. you must be gus." all i could hear was gus yelling at him.

"just take a deep breath." brandon said with a smirk.

"here he won't stop saying he wants to talk to you." brandon said handing my phone back.

"gus can you fucking stop doing this!?" i said pissed off.

"can i stop? you are out fucking different guys and letting them answer your phone! you know how much i fucking love you danielle." gus yelled. 

"gus i am not doing this right now. stop fucking calling my phone." i said and hung up.

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